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Soooo.... I like the idea of Russell's teapot and I've been looking for something to put on my car. I've had the darwin fish and the FSM. I'm thinking maybe a Teapot this time.
Heed not the colour, but I was thinking with or without the inner "A". I could put it upright, or tip it as if it's pouring... either a little heart or an "idea" bulb coming out of the spout.


scurry 9 July 24

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As a follow up to this post... I did put the teapot on my car!
@MattHardy I kept the 'A' and added the handle.
Couldn't figure out how to make it look far away, other than making it smaller. :\
No one has said anything about it, and I don't expect many people will know what it is.


Most teapots I've used have the handle at the side.
Is there some way to convey that it's far away in space?
I like the A I vote to keep it.
Maybe thought bubbles coming from the spout?

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