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Hidden Brain has become one of my favorite weekly podcasts. The latest one is about how people created religion and how the size of a group affected the kind of god and type of religion they created.

Sorcha 7 July 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I used to work occasionally on a certain sensitive, US military site in Arkansas. Due to the nature of the place and the fact that we were foreign nationals who also worked in Russia (they seemed to assume we were Russian spies, should have watched us less and Trump more for success there) we were allowed to bring no electronic devices into the office with the exception of a radio to entertain us on the loooong 12 hour shifts. I used to love listening to NPR, it was a beacon of sanity amongst all the Country & Western and extreme Christian stations!

Pete66 Level 6 July 25, 2018

I love NPR, but only get it in my car. I need to get a radio in my house. This looks very good.


Wonderful series! Last week's radio show was on how the "structure" of a language can influence perception. Definately worth a listen. LOVE NPR - at this point it is something about my country that I am still very proud of.


Super interesting. Thanks for the link.


Yeah I heard it this weekend. Really enjoyed it.


Yes, that was good episode.




Wow I've got to tune into this

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