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My trip to Michigan has allowed me to meet up with another of our great members. @Livinlife and I chatted over lunch. No disappointment there... what a lovely lady. Going to try and meet up again before I leave.

All I can say is if you are traveling or not. Get out there and meet some members!

BeeHappy 9 July 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Great pic ladies 😀

Thank you!


Lucky you! Sounds like fun!

It has been!


I think I'll have to travel to the states and rent a Harley..then travel around knocking on Jehovah Witnesse's doors ..then just walking away..and then ask some A.G brothers and sisters to come out and play..hee hee he..that would be fun. ??

Yes, it would!


That's AWESOME!!!!

It is! ?


Hi Bee, looks like you two had a very pleasant afternoon, how many members did you get to meet overall? I think its so cool that you get out and meet up with the A.G cats.

One before my trip four so far during the trip. Lots of fun!


Lucky you!


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