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Trump is doing good lately. He dealt with rocket man very well and now he's gonna put Iran in their place. Economy is doing well and in the long run, the farmers will do good as well.

Anyone agree, disagree?

sellinger 7 July 25

Enjoy being online again!

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While I disagree with the statement, whoever made it, I am reminded of how much I have been enjoying this website as opposed to the snarky behavior on FB. Some of the comments on here have reminded me of FB.


I'm curious -- if this post was not made by you, a member here, and instead was made by your daughter -- who purportedly picked up your phone, went directly to your AG account, knew how to post, and posted a familiar end question "Anyone agree, disagree?", then why on earth did you not simply DELETE the post?

I have to say, I don't believe your daughter made the post. And, if she did, I don't believe it was without your consent. That is disappointing and it makes me look at you differently.

The post and your resulting replies to comments simply are not logical. The delete function works and there is a reason you left this -- regardless of who authored it.

It's the skeptic in me. I cannot make it go away. 🙂

Ok that's fine. Really not interested in trying to convince you.


Saw your comment about your daughter using your phone. Simultaneously hilarious and sad. I don't know why people feel the need to invade other's privacy like that. Me personally, is punch someone in the face for that blatant level of disrespect, and while you obviously can't punch your daughter, you might need to set up new boundaries.
With that said, props to everyone who was able to disagree without resorting to insults. I was quite disgusted to see the vitriol being hurled for no other reason than their disagreement with the statement. I read your (your daughter's) post. There was not one insult or judgement pointed at anyone. I EMPHATICALLY disagree on every point made, but insulting and derogatory responses were not necessary. But I guess, given half a chance, people will show you their ass.
Sorry (about what your daughter did AND for disrespectful assholes).


Sorry about this. My daughter's phone conked out on her and I lent her my phone for a bit. Didn't know she had my password for this site. I am NOT a trump supporter. I changed my password and will not let said daughter ever use my phone again. Sorry for the misrepresentation :-!

Surely you jest.

@BlueWave lol same reply. I jest not

Oh good.


Surely you jest.


You, sir, like your hero, are a complete and utter moron, devoid of any logical intelligence, and are the epitome of all that is wrong in America.

Oops. I'm sorry. There were probably way too many big words for you to understand. I'll say it in a way you will be likely to grasp.

You are an idiot.

Thx for the restraint on the use of name calling lol read above post plz

@sellinger I was not name-calling. I was simply giving an assessment on the intelligence and character of tRump supporters.

I hope you impressed on your daughter the non-humor of what she did.

@LimeySteve tried to but she does actually like trump.

@sellinger I'm so sorry.

"You are an idiot."
"I was not name-calling."

Those are quotes. Just thought I'd point that out.


Enough said.

Dew25 Level 7 July 26, 2018

So we'll never win, gotcha lol.


You're just trolling aren't you?


Too simplistic an outlook. Why predict goodness for the farmers down the road. Remember farmers cultivate/harvest what they are provided by nature as well as what Trump allows them.




Disagree. re😳12billion aid package for farmers hurt by trade tariffs. Rocketman completely up in the air, Iran up in the air, economy waiting for his effects to show.


"Rocket Man" played Cheetolini like a violin!!! No, he's not gonna put Iran in their place. He's just trying to disrupt the supply of oil and make Russia richer. The economy is fabulous, if you're in the 1%. Otherwise the tiny little tax break you got has already been eaten up by inflation. No, farmers will not do good. This whole stupid tariff and rescue crap will put small farmers out of business to be eaten up by the big corporations. There is no "win" in a trade war, everybody loses.


And another one who eats trump's shit and thinks he's getting steak.


Uh, sure, if by good you mean how much of Putin's work he's getting accomplished. His personal shit's blowing up so fast, he's having to accelerate the pace of his international trash fires, attacking NATO, propping up Russia and North Korea. Taking the word of a fellow despot over his own intelligence agencies because he's such a phenomenal judge of character (as evidenced by the number of associates being charged, agreeing to plea deals, or just putting as much distance between him and themselves as they can). He's so grossly incompetent, even Fox News and his own party have recently called him out on it. And you think he's doing a bang-up job? Yeah. Gotta disagree with you on that one.


Totally disagree and if you cannot see this for yourself no explanation will help.

Marine Level 8 July 25, 2018
If you believe this statement, I have some tulips to sell you. Many Farmers are suffering and Iran has been made out to be what it isn't. We invaded their country in 1953 and threw out their democratically elected president because he wanted to nationalize the oil industry. YES, BP  complained to us that they weren't able to exploit Iran as much as they wanted and asked us to step in. SMELLING THE OIL. GUESS WHAT WE DID? WE DID DID IT AGAIN IN IRAQ IN 1958 PUTTING THE BATHIST PARTY IN POWER FROM WHICH SADDAM HUSSEIN EMERGED.

<strong>ECONOMY</strong> DOING WELL FOR THE RICH. And even if this were all true in spades, all the money in the world would not save us from polluted air, water and food and melting ice caps. 


I don't know what to believe anymore. Trump bloviates everything out of proportion. Everything he does is "the greatest" or "the best" and, thus, you can't gage a thing he says in terms of honesty. Then he and the rest of the right claim that the media is all a lie. "what you read and hear isn't what's happening." Yet when I turn to media considered worldwide and neutral it would appear that Trump is a total idiot. Now I find that the White House has intentionally altered the record of the Trump-Putin news conference from last week and won't change it.

I don't get a straight answer on ANYTHING from the right and I am told that the media is biased and not telling the truth. Wages aren't keeping up with inflation so this supposed economic high isn't felt at all by me and the people I work around. The money from the tax cuts was used for stock buybacks and CEO bonuses vice filtered to the people. And now we're paying $12 billion to undo a trade war of our President's own construction. Not sure where the big "win" is there. To ME it sounds like a recession right around the corner.

Where are all these positives I am supposed to cheer over?


What good is Trump doing? Dealt with rocket man, really, what has been achieved and should anything have been achieved. For years North Korea has said to various presidents to stop the war games with South Korea in their waters but no, do you honestly think it will stop? What do you mean Iran need to be put in their place, what place is that? What business has the US got with Iran? And let me tel you about the economy in the US, it is not doing well, the stock market is up because Donald has given them a huge tax cut, which they are using to buy back shares. Most people in the US need to work 2 - 3 jobs to make ends meet. A lot of jobs are now casual and part time only, teachers have not had a decent rise in years, the infrastructure is falling apart, farmers will not have the cheap labor anymore since you deport it back to their countries where they will be killed. Neither will farmers be able to export their produce as the tariffs that Donald has put in will hurt very badly and not only in the farming sector. Look around you, do you see less homeless people or do you see more of them?

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