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Isn't it ironic how the religious use only their holy book as a point of reference?

Shelton 8 July 25

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Isn't that what scientists do? With their inconclusive testing? How often science proves science wrong? A lot. Good for the good science but bad science is out there doing damage too.

You are kidding, right? Name one test that has been done using any religious book that tested out!
Science keeps testing & refining those tests to get at the nitty-gritty.

You clearly do not have a grasp on the Scientific method.

@AnneWimsey No I dont, every day a new idiot change and/or dispute the results. From the same theory our benevolent nuclear energy came and is based on, the nuclear bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima were also based on same theory, so a scientist for all good they do for us could be in the same context an agent of evil. There is enough nuclear weapons on earth to destroy the earth 6 or 7 times.... usa and russia hadmve most of them but we don't want other nations to have them. Nuclear was not enough, we dwveloped hidrogen bombs also. So it is not about understanding the scientific method is about destruction of mankind by its own means. While you pray hosanas to the scientific method. Hawkins is the new jesus, einstein john the baptist, tison the new Thomas... substitute the bible for a science journal and you get your church and bible. I recognize all good science do for humanity but I don't put blinders to ignore all the bad done in the name of science. And at the end as earth gets destroyed by us.... it won't be by "terrorists", drug dealers, car jackers or cat ladies... it will be by corrupt politicians and corrupt scientist working hand by hand.

@AnneWimsey In other words.... me in the 21st century despise Big Pharma more than the catholic church.... I do recognize all evil done by church... all evil still happening today and will happen tomorrow. Some of the best people I had ever met are Nurses who I got the most repect and admiration... they are the foot soldiers of health... but corporate medicine is not after your health, is after your money and medicine with all its mighty science had enslaved this society under the spelk of pills, drugs, etc, etc, etc. You want to stop evil on earth? You will find science behind every evil but you rather ignore that little detail. I have no bible, worship no master because I have none. Refuse medication because can do without. I may get a little ticked when a science worshiper blasts the bible while ignoring that nra gives money to science to create weapons that cause more damage. Every time we ignore the evil in science, every time we are more likely to be victimized by it. We are about the same age... remember all those wonder medicines of 20, 30 years ago? now cause of lawsuits because caused this or that on us. You go ahead and substitute one house of worship for other... I am staying out of worship. Period.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I think you are way off topic. He stated that religious people refer to a book that was created by man and say look this book says this, so therefore it must be true. But in reality scientists use a very specific method to test our different theorys. Scientist try to prove other scientists wrong by using the scientific method. The Bible is not a means for knowledge. Religious people, when they do not know something, refer back to a Bible made by man. It's just funny. This is not about man bring a destructive force. We already know that.... This I'd about religious people using the Bible to try to win scientific arguments.

@Jjones You won me, who do I worship to become scientist worshipper? hawkins? tyson? einstein? jjones? I am a believer of science as root of all Good! I feel better now... no wait... I am off topic! Where is my nearest library? Feel better already... thank you, fellow science worshipper thank you much!

@GipsyOfNewSpain gipsy....had a meds check lately? You are raving, sweetie. Not being my usual snarky here, I mean it!

@AnneWimsey Don't do Meds, Rather Rave, annoying some people to the point of suicide.... It is Friday, got things to do... missed with you on my weekend prayers but there is always another dawn next friday. By the way I am Serious about those that substituted jesus for hawkins and simply worshipped a man in a wheelchair... that leads me to believe some think It was the perfect disguise for 2nd coming of jesus... well, he came and went and no rapture. Science and its byproduct Meds are killing people left and right, but you know that... I am just being Mean to those who worship their god been dead or alive... science nothing but a tool.... not my religion.

@GipsyOfNewSpain NOBODY "worshipped" Steven Hawking, he himself would have been appalled by the very idea. His ideas simply opened new paths th explore. What makes you say anyone worshipped him? Seriously, get some meds, you are not making any sense at all!

@AnneWimsey Okay... since now you are everybody's lawyer, okay. And also wants to be my physician... wow... multitasking uh? Want to be my driver? Got to the airport.

@GipsyOfNewSpain lawyer? More raving, res ipso, sweetie.


Of course it's not ironic. What else would they possibly use as a reference if not their holy book? Perhaps sad or crazy would have been the better word choice, then I probably would have been able to agree with you.


‘...well it says right here’ 😉 Yes, both sad and terrifying..

Varn Level 8 July 26, 2018

At the risk of being the semantic asshole in the conversation:

It's actually not ironic at all. The whole religious model is designed to operate that way to control the flow of information. That is the intended and express purpose of a holy text like the Bible having 'this is the only Truth' ideation within it.

Irony is the use of a word to express something other than its literal intention. Or a situation which operates counter to reasonable expectations relating to that process. Having to walk to pay your car insurance, for example, is a little ironic. Saying you're going to 'give someone a hand' with something (help them) and then just standing there clapping, also kind of ironic. People who are brainwashed to think the Bible is the only Truth thinking the Bible is the only Truth, not ironic.

What would be ironic is if one of them used a DIFFERENT book than their own 'holy book' to justify their position. As an example: it is not ironic for a Christian to use the Bible as their point of reference. It would be ironic if a Christian used the Quran, Bhagavad Ghita, or (perhaps the most ironic) Satanic Bible (especially since real Satanism is a spiritual atheistic or, more appropriately, auto-theistic belief system) as the point of reference for their Christian philosophy.

Unless you're referring to dramatic or literary irony. In which the audience is aware of a fact which is contrary to what the speaking character believes to be true.

In which case, yes, it's incredibly ironic, but only because we (non-religious people) are the audience. Change the audience and it loses its irony.

Either way it's a lazy, short-sighted, stupid way to try and understand the way the universe works.


And how they cherry pick shit to hold against people


It's a prop. Usually they don't read it.


When I talk to my brother who is a pastor about various topics. Often enough I must translate it to a Christian Scripture from the bible to give him a clue what I am talking about.


Some of the religious.

@KissedbySun uhhhh doesn't it make you despair. Bloody anti-Christisns are sooooo pompous! The same venom isn't aimed at Judaism or Sikhs. Even Islam doesn't get such a bad press. It's only a certain type of Christianity that is so pernicious. Leave the poor old Quakers alone.


You cannot expect them to gather information from other sources, they might accidentally THINK!


That's all they've got! Lol


Not until the last year.

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