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Jesus: "He who is without sin may cast the first stone."

guy with no legs throws rock

Jesus: "Seriously?"

Guy with no legs: "You said 'without shins, right?"

Duke 8 July 25

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Here's how I heard it:

Jesus is defending the adulteress... he shames the crowd by saying "He who is without sin, cast the first stone."

Crowd is abashed, they mutter and look at the ground... except for one middle aged lady, who walks slowly out of the crowd, picks up the biggest rock she can lift, and hurls it right at the woman's head. The crowd then proceeds to stone the shit out of the woman.

Jesus, meanwhile, takes the lady who cast the stone aside, puts his arm around her, and says, "You know I love you, but some days, Mom, you just really piss me off!"

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