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Any Cali peeps here? I'm road tripping down the coast along the PCH this summer and am curious if there are any "must see" places to stop. Crescent City, San Fran exploration and the 17 mile drive have made it to my list, so far.

KatieO 5 July 25

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I'm So Cal and on the border of Los Angeles and Orange Counties If you plan on hitting up Disneyland. ♥ any of the Beach cities or anything else in the area.

Unfortunately, I had ankle surgery and can't do anything like disneyland(I prefer 6flags to be honest). But my hometown is Barstow. So I'm not sure how much So Cal beaches I'll be spending time in.


If you come through Baker City message me, there are a few cool things to do around here.

arnies Level 7 July 26, 2018

If you're willing to deviate and head inland some, Lake Tahoe is awesome.

Santa Cruz
Venice Beach
Pacific Beach
Ocean Beach
San Diego

I'm sure there are tons of quaint beach towns all the way down.

Hope this helps.

I have a bit of a time constraint, so I'll be sticking close to coast the whole way. Although, I agree, Lake Tahoe IS awesome.


don't forget yosemite! and the redwood forest - grab a pine cone. they are tiny for such a big tree

Awe... That looks really bad.

@KatieO oh wow! when i was there about 10yrs ago there had just been a fire. lot of fires there... that sucks


I drove hw1 from santa Cruz to the Oregon/Washington border with the top was magnificent!

I wish I had a convertible!!!

@KatieO yea it was great, (still have a convertible btw)did it right after labor day so the hotels were lower rate and almost empty.

I'm thinking about hostels, since I'm pretty poor and feel the need to do this anyway!

@KatieO yea, hostel is safer than camping, that said post labor day a lot of hotels and motels are empty ish and you might get a deal.


You can do a google search for trip maps and reviews on any route you choose.

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