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How many of you are here hoping to find a relationship (im using that term loosely).
Me! Js

GlassDragon 4 July 28

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Mostly I’m here for community. I’ve given up finding a relationship with anyone.

@sweetcharlotte I’ve tried. I’ve failed. Time to move on.

One thing you can definitely count on is that as you "age", you will only become more interesting to women. And here's the "bonus". Right now you're probably interested primarily in women around your own you get older, you are perceived as a "catch" to both much younger women and to women your age and older. So take your time and live in the moment - there truly are lots of fish in that sea. 😉

@Lavergne There is something fundamentally wrong with me. I've accepted it. I'm very good at many things, but dating and relationships are not one of them. It's alright. It just means I can devote that energy into another area.

@fiferguy HA! Not buyin' it....unless you are having mental health issues or have any kind of addiction problems (gambling, alcohol, opiates, etc) or are physically or emotionally abusive towards women than the term "fundamentally wrong with me" just doesn't make sense. I suspect you might be initially (physically?) attracted to women who don't "get you" so your prophecy becomes self-fulfilling. ?????

@Lavergne At this point, I've given up trying. I'm not going to waste energy on something that is just not meant to be. I'm the last remembered and the first forgotten, and people are generally happier without me around.


I joined for the dating but staying for the camaraderie.


I originally joined to slightly improve my chances. I have put that on hold for the time being, still here because I enjoy this group (and I want a t-shirt).

You are soooo danged far away George!

@Qualia I thought you were the one that was far away.

@GeorgeRocheleau but our temperatures aren't approaching hell! LOL


I'd like to, and hopefully with someone here. But I'm also here for the community. The people here have been pretty awesome.


I am here for community. With the exception of my husband who I would call a theist, everyone I know is a born again Christian. This site allows me talk people who have their own minds, who don't just spout useless platitudes.

Deinan Level 4 July 29, 2018

I think most are here just for the community. This does not, however, keep us from flirting shamelessly from time to time.


I've given up on that pursuit.
I just don't think it's a possibility anymore.


I would be happy if that’s how it worked out. I’m glad to have any type of interaction with like minded people. I just wish I could find more of a community near me. It’s easy to find a community online, but as soon as I turn of my device, I’m surrounded by people with whom I have very little in common. Atheists need their own city 🙂


Yes, and here for community, whom I feel are my extended family😀. My family by birth are deluded by fundamentalist Christianity, who voted for Trump (FB is a good spy), and they believe I am in league with the Devil, LMAO....abandoned 50 years ago and I'm better off without them 😟. I'm here for many long term relationships, most casual but yes, I'd like to have a lover again, who wouldn't be jealous of a long time female friend w/o benefits.

EdEarl Level 8 July 29, 2018

That was not why I signed up. I just wanted to find a like minded community to converse with. But if the opportunity presented itself, that's a bonus.


? some of us here also define that term loosely. ?


Nah. It's whatever for me.


It would definitely be nice.


Would like to find my soul mate but online dating has so many scammers and guys that just want to hook up.


I'm open to it but not really trying to date. Taking it as it comes, I guess.


Well... it’s not 100% why I’m here but it’d be cool. I’m also hoping at the grocery store and the dry cleaners.... but it’s not 100% why I go there either. ?


I signed up as it was a dating site, was pleasantly surprised to find it essentially a focused Facebook group that, by the way, functions much better than anything I've seen on Facebook, especially regarding the behavior of its members. Given my location and the newness of the site, it'll be a while I'm sure before I meet someone here, assuming I ever do. But I'll stay for the aforementioned online community.


I'm looking to meet folks, have good conversation, learn new things. If it works into something more, thats great. If it doesn't, I'm all the better for the experience.


I hope to find a relationship, preferably long term.

Arshi Level 5 July 29, 2018

Definitely would like a relationship. Experience has been that you have to never give up looking, unless it’s a personal decision. Even living at what seems a world away, even with the “local” members. I found that elusive needle online and had a 10 yr relationship.

Mostly I am looking for someone to binge X Files with me currently, and geocache a local island. I get the cart, and they get the pizza. All will have fun. 1st find on the island gets Brandy Alexander’s. 🙂


Well im totally here hoping to find a relationship in its many forms. Dating sites suck... At least i know someone from here would have my perspective on this subject.

Greys red room looks like Disneyland to me. Js


I certainly do, I would not waste time. I will not find a relationship in church or a rally of liberals.


I'm here for community, the vast majority are to far away for starters but don't think I'm really interested in a 'relationship' but never say never 🙂

ipdg77 Level 8 July 29, 2018

I was so inclined when I signed up, but distances are problematic, so just here for community now,


I'm mostly here for community, if anything develops outside of that, then cool!


I'm always open, but there aren't many people joined from my probably not.

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