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People don't need RELIGION, religion needs people.
Religion doesn't make people better rather, intelligence, empathy and kindness does.
CHURCH and the MOSQUE don't feed the poor, only GOOD people with big heart does..

Greenheart 7 July 29

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Totally agree. Religions and churches are religious business models. They sell a service and a product like any business. The product is feel good nonsense. Businesses need customers. Religions need people, like you said. They need customers to turn up, give them money, and have repeat customers. When businesses stop getting enough customers, they go out of business. Same with religions. History is full of dead religions; they ran out of customers. Businesses give money to worthy causes. It might do good, but it's about encouraging people to think well about the business. Same with religions. It's about image, an image to promote the product, which is feel good nonsense. The individuals involved might be good people, but the bigger purpose is to promote the religious business and its product. If more people started to think about religions and churches in the same way as they think about businesses and corporations, they might see the bigger picture and reality of it.


True, church/temple/mosque attendance is not what makes us better people, and like any run of the mill club--Moose, Shriners, Elks, Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, Oddfellows, etc.--they need subscribers to continue to exist.


Yes indeed! Religion is looking very silly in my country these days what with all its institutions but no people.





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