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What famous person do people think you look like?

Redcupcoffee 7 July 29

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Rita Rudner, Comedian.

I love her. I think you look like a prettier version of Joanna Gleason.

@Hihi Sweet I love this game! I see it


I've been told I look like Flo from the Progressive commercials.

StephC Level 7 July 30, 2018

My ex had a huge crush on Flo

Conversation with my (then) 9 year old: 'Mom, is the Progressive Lady a real person?'

'Well, she's a real person but she's an actress. In fact she was an actress on Mad Men, too.'

'Oh! Did she play the Progressive Lady on Mad Men?'

'No, she was just a regular person on Mad Men.'

'No, I mean did she still wear the same white shirt but without the Progressive Logo on it?'

'No, sweetie. She just wore regular clothes'


Bela Bartok (famous to musicians, anyway).


Janeane Garofalo


An actress/client once told me I looked like Brooke Shields. Another long time friend once told me I looked like Natalie Portman. I wasn't insulted with either comment!


I used to be told Shirly Manson from the band Garbage , Kim Basinger , or Traci Lords(all from the 90's heyday for me). Looking good was easier a generation ago...

But someone on this forum said Marge Helgenberger. I googled it thinking maybe Melisandre without her amulet.. Nope - I'll take it- thanks.

i can see both the Traci Lords and the Kim Basinger depending ..

I think you look like the Church Lady! lol

@balou Well isn't that Special!!


Frank Oz. I wonder if I talk funny to others too?

ballou Level 8 July 30, 2018

You are much better looking. But yes!

@CaroleKay thank you!


I've been told I look a bit like an Asian George Foreman 😛

@goldenvalleyguy But wait! It also comes with a bamboo steamer! Now how much would you pay?!!!


I have been told I look like Sally Field.

Yes, you really do look like her.


Why, thank you! What a nice thing to say.


When I was a teenager, Brooke Shields and Justine Bateman. I wish. When I was older, Elizabeth Shue and Ingrid Bergman.

Hihi Level 6 July 29, 2018

Renee Russo, Kristen Johnston, Isabella Rossalini, and, when I was younger, Geena Davis and Kim Bassinger. I can kinda see Kristen Johnston. Weirdest part is, I hear this from women much more often than from men.

@laostus3 Thank you.

I see some Geena Davis...


When I was younger I would often be compared to Jackie Kennedy.


Shaggy from Scooby Doo, my dogs name is scooby for this reason


I used to get Brian Adams a lot 25 years ago, and Sean Bean up to about 10 years ago. I don't think anyone looks at me any more ?

Salo Level 7 July 30, 2018

I was once know as Olive Oyl from Popeye




Bryan Cranston from his breaking bad days.

KevinL Level 4 July 30, 2018


You're God damn right!


Tony Perkins. My girlfriend in my sixteenth year ran up to him in Central Park thinking he was I.


Julia Child


Homer Simpson ?

Wahker Level 6 July 30, 2018

A coworker just told me a few days ago that she was watching "Jaws 3" and that I looked like that lady in the film, except she has blond hair. Bet you all thought I was going to say the shark! 😉

disappointed that you don't look like a shark... teehee. Shark Week!!

@Lukian Me too......I'd love to have a few rows of teeth!


Ha ha ha... Nobody !! Who knew !!


Hmmmm. Any random Asian actress or whatever. Cause you know, we all look alike. Dressed in one of my dance outfits, a friend’s daughter said I looked like Mulan.

Either way, you are gorgeous!

@JoeMastle Ummmm. Thanks.

@Akfishlady I can be anything people want me to be it seems. When I’m in Mexico the locals think I’m Mexican. In a New Mexico pueblo they thought I was an indigenous person. Filipinos think I’m one of them. Malaysians think I’m one of them. In grade school my friends called me a geisha. Don’t know where that came from. My distant ancestry is supposed to be Chinese but I look nothing like a Chinese person. I suspect there might be mixing of DNA in my ancestry somewhere during the colonization periods.

@Akfishlady Thanks. I just learn these days to say thanks for nice comments. I don’t usually feel comfortable with nice things said to me.


Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. And it’s happened several times over the years.

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