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What's the atheist equivalent of 'OMG'?

ripcurldane 7 Jan 11

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I say, "Oh My Gob!" I think Finn says that on Adventure Time. lol


Oh my out-moded-belief-system is too hard to say, so I just stick with oh my god and follow up with 'fuck you' when someone tries to play mister clever-dick by pointing out I don't believe in gods.

lol good!


You can use the same letters as satan, but I go with Oh My Santa!

Sadoi Level 7 Jan 19, 2018

For me it's WTF

Delilah Jones was the mother of twins
Two times over and the rest were sins
Raised eight boys, only I turned bad
Didn't get the lickin's that the other ones had


Oh My God are we seriously discussing the correct use of Oh My God???

Yeah, I do not believe in god, but I can still say the word! I do not believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny either but I can still use the words because I am not an ignorant child who is scared of letters that form meanings!

Omagadz is my favorite way of using OMG ...i think it is funny!


ONG! Oh, no god.

I use By The Earth! My friend and I came up with it, after lots of discussion how cursing and blasphemy were viewed by theists.


I say "Oh My God" when I find something unbelievable, or "OMMFG!" if I'm really riled up.


fuck my nostril! ...? or: for fucking out loud! both borrowed from Ergaste in 'by light alone', Adam Roberts.


Oh my gawd!


Swearing and vulgarity are a sign of intelligence, or at least a wide vocabulary


My favorite What the Fuck! Though I am a Social worker and am discouraged to say Fuck- so say WTF. There are just too many WTF moments daily in my job.

The funny thing about working in the social work field is being discouraged from swearing while all along you know damn well that the clients have far worse language!

@ghost_warlock True and often they are in a place that WTF doesnt quite speak to it. Theirs are more like Fuck me dead moments. One of my old favorites that I thought was funny until on line dating came about.


" Well i'll be a monkeys Uncle."

I like to throw a bone to the fundy anti evolution crowd once in a while.


I still say ‘Christ on a cracker’

I have eaten Christ "the" cracker (that snack was the best part of church), but never on a cracker.

@Sticks48 it may be a peculiarly British saying; here a cracker can be one of two things, a Christmas table decoration that contains a little gift, paper hat and bad joke, or a savoury biscuit you put cheese on. I like them with a good blue cheese.


Oxygen + Magnesium (OMg). I use it all the time.




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