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Congressional Statistics Vs. The Real World-Sad
White Millionaire Males Over 55?

sassygirl3869 9 July 31

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That is good but it is missing the part that says 91% of congress is christian while 21% of Americans have no religion.


There you have it, folks, representational government!, whaa?


This explains why the laws that get passed are such bullshit. I wish it was posted on billboards in Drumpf country. Maybe the fools could see how badly they are getting fucked.

They are not that smart.

@Sticks48 surely even they could read that simple chart : (


Even though my math skills suck, this doesn't add up.


It’s got to be difficult for a woman that doesn’t have a lot of resources (money) to get to congress. Even if she did, I’d think that the good ol’ boy network wouldn’t allow much to get done anyway.


I see the problem.

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