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What type of church can you go to when you are an agnostic? Would love a spiritual place I can go to with people of same belief but no religion involved, just spirituality. Also, being black, female and agnostic, it is also hard finding members of my group who share similar beliefs.

Purpose10 2 July 31

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I tried the Unitarian Church, but they always talk about God. That was a turn off.

I was hoping for a liberal, community of non-believers.

thanks for your response, any luck with anything else?

UU congregations vary a fair bit, but their makeup reflects the general population, which is to say, a lot of hyper-liberal theists (Christians, Buddhist, Hindu, a smattering of others) and a minority of atheists / agnostics / ignostics. If you're looking for atheist purity, it's not there. That might be more along the lines of Sunday Assembly, if you can find one near you. Another alternative is any meetings your local Humanist organization might be having.



UU works for me. Nothing to believe in and in my group total respect for whatever path you are on. We are lay led, no minister and a lot of the programs are just interesting local, social, scientific, personal stories. I myself have given 5 programs. check a lay led UU out.

@LiterateHiker Check for a Freethinker or Humanist group in your area. They vary in style a lot so if one doesn't appeal to you look for another. I belong to several in different parts of the country as I travel often and enjoy seeing different friends again.


I love Thai Buddhism, but it's not like the type of church you maybe want.
Unitarian Universalist churches welcome agnostics.

You don't have to believe in a god to be a faithful Unitarian Universalist. [] via @UUA

thanks for your response, i have been looking into UU.



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