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They Told Us But Actually This is True About Cancer
What Do You Think? Agree/Disagree?

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 1

Enjoy being online again!

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It's not that simple. One needs to weigh the statistical risk vs benefit for each. In many of the pairs, BOTH sides can be true. Personally, I'll accept the transforming risk of imaging in order to catch a hidden cancer early enough to possibly cure it. We each get to make those decisions for ourselves.

And UV light directly produces thymidine dimers in DNA. It's one of the few true cause/effects that we DO know. Light also catalyzes vitamin D action etc which could be carcinoprotective.

Zster Level 8 Aug 1, 2018

The people with the SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder),need artificial Sunlight to overcome the depression and mood swings,come Winter,so good and bad with prevention and possible(?) cures.

@Mike1947 I know. It's a very intricate balancing act. Sometimes I wonder if there even is a winning option that one could choose.

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