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My lack of belief in a Supreme Being has resulted in there being a whole lot of gods I don't believe in. So, I've decided to consider myself polyagnostic.... I hope this don't come as too much of a shock to y'all. peace.

hankster 9 Aug 1

Enjoy being online again!

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If I was going to believe in a god I would pick one like Odin, a bit of Viking debauchery gets you onto the top table in Valhalla. Other religions seem to want to send you to hell for being bad, the Vikings give you a fucking promotion lol

But as it's all bollocks I'll stick to being a plain old boring atheist, or more accurately a couldn't give a rat's arse boring atheist. 🙂


But I believe in you!!! 😮


That's ok I am polyatheist


...& love & pancake.


And a happy Thor's Day to you. 😛


polyagnostic??? You don't believe in parrots. LOL


I've always had a liking of this picture:

well, are they there or not?

@walklightly They are not and to use a saying from Dr. Richard Dawkins: "some of us just go one god further."


I guess that makes me a polyatheist.

@hankster Way over my head.


Reminds me of a t-shirt I saw last weekend: Polytheism - Why have just one imaginary friend?


I guess that means the gods are angry..and are no longer smiling on you...??

@hankster out for any tremors...or perhaps..the sudden appearance of a dark and angry looking cloud over your house..the gods can be spiteful Bastards. ???

@hankster ?

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