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"Religious Freedom" has become code for religious privilege.

Has anyone else noticed how often "religious freedom" is claimed to defend christians who act to deny other people's freedom (in particular their sexuality) or to vilify others for their beliefs?

In my view the correct definition for this is religious privilege - the notion that the law should somehow apply differently to you because the motivation for your predjudice is religous.

Strabo 6 Aug 1

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Sounds right on.


Oh, yes. This is becoming routine in the states now. It's getting worse daily, and now we have an AG who is initiating a committee to bring church and state even closer, to even further "legitimize" that coalescence.

Yes that was what triggered my post. We had similar arguments advanced here during our vote on Same Sex Marriage last year. Luckily the Christian Right has far less power and influence here than in the US and they were thoroughly trounced in the plebiscite!

@Strabo good, keep those fuckers down.


100% agree. If you call it a “religious conviction” you can be a bigot, discriminate against customers, impose your religious beliefs on others.
I have noticed that oppressors are quick to co-opt the language of the oppressed and claim victim status. Like people who claim that championing gay rights is “hate speech” toward religion.


Religious freedom is code words for Religious Repression. Shameful and disgusting!

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