What is your absolute favorite TV show of all time?
The b&w "The Avengers" with Mrs Peel and Steed. Just breathtakingly tongue-in-cheek and innovative!
SyFi remake Battlestar Galactica
It's a tough question to answer... for me the answer is probably Firefly even though it ended too soon!
I only discoved Firefly after it was cancelled, but two of my close friends met and got married through their Browncoat group.
@Strabo I didn't even know that was a thing!
@JenBeberstein Oh yeah, there's a global community of die hard Firefly fans out there who usually refer to themselves as Browncoats. I'm not part of it but I have many friends who are.
@Strabo probably a very fun group!
@JenBeberstein Yes they seem pretty organised and have meet-ups all over the world.
Doctor Who. Endless variety.
This is one I have not experienced. I have heard and read a lot of good things.
I kind of lost touch with Dr Who after the fourth doctor. It was very low budget in the 70's but still cool!
Wheel of Fortune. I was a contestant on the show in 1997.
Roley! How cool is this! Anne
Game of Thrones.
I'd easily say Firefly if it had lived past 1 season.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Yes!!! Mine too
Seasons 2 and 3 I'd stack against any 2 TV seasons ever. And the musical episode was incredible.
I wholeheartedly agree.
I can't just name one but tied for first are.
Game of Thrones.
Battle star Galactica. ( the 2000's series, not the 70's show).
Dexter is in my Top 5 for sure!
@KCjoe108 I hear you.
I have to really give it up to the writers, such an original concept, rooting for a serial killer.
Yes! I have a few shirts from the show, and a poster. My favorite shirt that I have asks: Do I see plastic sheets in your future?
I wanted to get the one that states: I support Dexter's right to choose. Lol.
have you seen the new one? I adore "Tommy Maitland"....LOL
It's pretty funny
Doctor Who. I've watched since about 1983. ?
That's roughly when I stopped watching it! It was never the same after Tom Baker went.
Star Trek TNG,
Next Generation definitely kept a person thinking and engaged!
So many to choose from.
I think Breaking Bad and The Wire might be the two best shows I've ever seen. There is just something transcendent about them that elevates them from TV to art.
The Good Place may very well be the smartest show currently airing, mixing ethics, moral philosophy, pratt falls, and food puns in equal measure.
Person of Interest was an astoundingly good show that started with what seemed at first to be a paper thin premise for just another procedural. However, it quickly became one of the best science fiction shows ever made, delving into complicated issues of artificial intelligence, conciousness, and the surveillance state.
Brooklyn 99, started a little weak, but by the end of the first 7-8 episodes it had become less of a Andy Samberg vehicle and more of an ensemble that focused on the whole, wonderfully diverse cast.
Justified was a fantastic show and a prime example of the idea that every character can be fully formed, well rounded and entertaining, no matter how small. The writing was smart, the energy between the actors was downright electric, and the dialogue was razor sharp.
I'm with you on Person of Interest and Justified.