This guy is one of my favorites. His retorts to christian claimes are priceless.
This guy is a lightweight! I feel affronted that he and a lot of others think that way about atheists. We are the most thoughtful and caring people who want to make this one life we have on this planet to be as meaningful as possible and that we want to leave this environment in the best state possible for our children and our children’s children. Unfortunately, I believe he thinks as a lot of others do about what we represent. They just don’t understand that we don’t need god in our lives to feel fulfilled and neither do we need to try to eradicate their childish need for one in theirs.
This guy doesn't know much. He wrote a book to prove his views but you cannot prove the bible by the bible. He has preconceived ideas. Therefore, his opinion is simply his opinion. He dances around but wants to prove that "atheism kills." Atheism and secularism is an ideology whether you believe it or not? Sorry bud. I simply find no evidence to believe in gods. Pretty simple really.