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I was a born again Christian for 35 years and I have recently been questioning my faith. The more research I did, the more horrified I became about Christianity. I am just looking for some support from anyone that can understand the journey from believer to non believer.

Freetothink 3 Sep 17

Enjoy being online again!

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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Google “how old is the Earth according to the Bible”? That will make you feel better on one level. As for the system shock because of the change. It will slowly get better. Just know you now question crazy lies and superstitious crap, and that is great!


Most of us have probably been there.

I will tell you right now, the thing I missed the most was the sense of community and belonging that organized religion provides. I think though that that is the only positive attribute to religion.

You might look at, as they tend to have a lot of atheist or religious "recovery" groups that talk things out. So you may get some local support that way and perhaps fidn some new friends who have journeyed before you.

This site is pretty new and still growing, although it does seem there is a link on the members tab to find the members that live closest to you, chances are it will be pretty sparse for a while until the site grows a bit more. There are also atheist groups on Facebook, bu they don't really help you find a new social circle and new friends.


The reason that the god-crowd tell you not to listen to "the voice of the Devil", is because if you ask the first question, that the answer to all the rest is going to be just as revealing as the first. Nothing has ever come back from the dead- not a dinosaur, not a cockroach- or anything in between. The reason so many of these 'preachers', of any stripe, end up in jail is because they don't know when to stop. If the 'born agains' will believe in coming back from the dead---- is there anything that they won't believe in?


You know it could be worse. You could have been a Scientologist......



With God everything is possible

With religion it's possible to believe anything

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