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Here is one of my favorite p/c terms: African American.

This is an utter misconstruance of using nationality in the stead of race. What if a white South African citizen migrated to America and became a U.S. citizen......are they a African American?

Now I know some of you will immediately pull out the race card and more, but I am looking for discussion here on how words get bastardized in the name of political correctness and few will stand up to it. After all, can p/c come along and change anything so as to be in vogue?

Dan1947 6 Aug 9

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The African American terminology is not a p/c but a scientific terminology based on evolution which describes correctly skin pigment variations based of evolution and human migration. In the US, the first word describes the origin and the second word describes the country affiliation.

Assuming you Dan are a white middle age right leaning man, then you should be referred as North European American which is more polite than white supremicist if we wanted to sub-divide the American white population according to their fascination of the term political correctness.


In Canada, we call every citizens Canadians and enjoy finding out where they come from.

Now I have a question for you: why do you call yourself American when you are a citizen of the United States of America where America implies it is bigger than the United States? Why are you not called a United Statesmen?


Dan, you need to get off those mushrooms sauteed in WD40. You've lost your credibility!


If you were born in America and you're an American you're just an American doesn't matter what color your skin is


This thread makes me mad. I'm gonna address some things frankly instead of the usual get-along to get-along type of guy I am Here goes:

Black people. You can say black people. No one cares if you don't say African American. You can just say black people if you really need to discuss race. Just don't say like "the blacks" or something tinged with obvious racism. Society decided this was OK decades ago now.

This thread is full of worrying and dopey answers. I'd like to address a few in as polite a way as I can:

@MrControversy: You not using the n word has nothing to do with political correctness. It has to do with racism. That word exists because of it. If it were up to me, it would disappear from the lexicon. Oh, and for the record, that word shouldn't be said for obvious reasons. But if you do want to use it, remember, one black person does not have the authority to tell you what word will not get your lily-white ass beat if you are heard saying it in many places. Not only will your assaulter not get but a misdemeanor, he won't even serve time. Be brave, don't just use on it on the internet. Go out there, say it loud, tell them you respect people who let you say it. Remember, freedom of speech. Not freedom from consequence.

@Marionville: It should not be anything negro anything. That word is archaic now, has been for a while. Times, they are a -changin'.

@Dan and others, the reason we used African American and not Nigerian American or something along those lines, Dan, oh Dan, was goddamned slavery. It's kind of hard to trace your roots back to a specific place when you were abducted and hustled off onto a ship and your successive generations were kept in ignorant bondage for 400 years.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

I hate to be argumentative or pedantic but black is not a race. The racial profile of most sub-Saharan Africans is Negro or Negroid. It is not a derogatory term it is factual. In the USA it may not be politically correct to use this word except when referring to Negro Spirituals which are happily sung by and embraced by Christians of all colours, but if we are talking about purely racial profiling Negro American is the proper definition as opposed the majority of Americans who are Caucasian Americans. No swearing at me please if you are answering this.!

@Marionville I was not swearing at you nor would I as long as we keep this discussion in good faith. In fact, I apologize, the swearing that I did was over the top and representative of my frustrations. It was not in good form.

To get to the argument. Neither is white a race. That's what we call ourselves, that's what other people call us. If you're coming from a purely academic stance, I won't argue. I respect that. However, the word here is not "PC" (which just means not being a jerk to people) because it was used for so long as a negative term.

In the same way that gay just meant happy, and from a purely academic standpoint you could still argue that it does, that's not how the word is used. It has changed. This isn't new, words go out of date all the time in our language. We don't have an apothecary anymore, we no longer refer to sulfur as brimstone, cars are no longer horseless carriages.

Sometimes these changes happen for far less reason than why we have largely stopped referring to black people as anything that starts with an N. It's not the only one of that type we no longer use outside of biological taxon. We don't call Asians mongoloids, we don't refer to people of Euro and Western Asian heritage as Aryan.

Again, I do not dispute this is the correct term for a biological taxon. It just shouldn't be used outside it, and, since words change all the time, maybe we need to update that as well.

I want to make it clear also that I am not calling you racist in any shape or form. Nor am I attempting to insult you. Thanks for your level-headed response.

Hear hear!

@Xuande Okay,I can live with what you say. The term is still used in a purely technical way to designate race in the same way that white is really Caucasian. I am the very opposite of racist, believing that all humans are born equal. I thank you for being polite, not everyone on this site is unfortunately, and I am probably old enough to be your grandmother so appreciate the courtesy.


A very smart black woman once told me that she'd rather be called black instead of African American. It made me think.

And on a separate occasion, a different black guy I was talking to told me it was okay for white people to say 'nigga'. And he challenged me to say it so I did.

My conclusion is that there are many blacks who don't confine themselves to what is politically correct. They see past it. I have a lot of respect for blacks like that.


What non-PC term do you use or would prefer be used for the African diaspora in America?


A blond haired, blue eyed friend of Scandinavian descent was born to her American parents when they were missionaries in Africa.

When she was in college in the US she went to the financial aid office to research what scholarships she might qualify for. There was a very generous scholarship posted with one of the main qualifications being the recipient must be an African American.

The person reviewing her application for the scholarship told her that she obviously did not qualify. She asked why? They explained that she was not African American.

After she produced the paperwork proving that she was an American citizen, as well as an African by birth, she asked if they were denying her the scholarship based solely on race, and pointed out the university's policy against that.

She got the scholarship.


African American has only come into usage since the “N” word became a taboo. They should more correctly be classified as Negro Americans, but in this politically charged world this is deemed to be non PC.

By the way Africa is a continent not a nation so African can not be used as a nationality. Neither can African be used as a description of race for the same reason., except as a very loose epithet in the same way we use European or Asian to encompass any people’s from these continents, regardless of ethnic and racial diversity.

@Dan1947 Then he would quite obviously be an American citizen. No white people are indigenous to Africa so he could NEVER be described as an African American, and nobody would ever actually think of doing so because that would be ridiculous. You are so hellbent on proving you are smarter than others that you becoming a parody of a pedant!

@Dan1947 White South Africans are actually Northern European Africans. If they immigrate to the US to become a citizen they should be described as Northern European Americans if not citizens then South African nationals.

@Lukian Most other Americans are already North European Americans so they would be no different from the majority. The only others would then be Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans.

@Marionville Hispanics from Mexico should already be considered (North) Americans just as much as Canadians are actually Americans as well.

@Lukian Okay, I can live with that, but some Hispanics are not from Europe but originate in the native Indian tribes of North , Central and South America !


What about people of African descent who live in Europe?

Do we call them African British, African French, African German, or do we group them all into African European?

BD66 Level 8 Aug 9, 2018

I usually say ‘black’. Or if I can, I ask what they prefer. I’m fine with ‘white’(I’m VERY white, lol), or Caucasian, whatever. I’m also bisexual, so there’s another set of pc: gender and sexuality. Again, I can just ask. Same with nationality, religion, etc. It’s a make-your-own-label attitude, I guess.
Remember when people used PC as ‘privileged character’? My age is showing now!

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