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I thought this was funny. In a sad way.

Cirdan 5 Aug 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Thank you for letting me see this. I wouldn’t have believed anyone could be so crazy in the 21st century. Apart from the crazed look in his eyes and the Bible says the Earth is Flat on his TShirt, he just looks like a fairly normal guy. Where are these people bred and who feeds them this shit? I thought the bible said that god created the sun moon and stars as well as the earth and other planets. Are they all supposed to be flat too? Where in the bible does it say anything about the flatness or otherwise of the world? The bible has a lot of other nonsense in it, but I don’t remember that particular “baloney in a basket’ to use his own words!

Believe me when I say when I say these people have an answer for everything. Every answer is mindless of course, but they try not to get caught unprepared lol. I find that most non religious flat earthers get most of their nonsense from basically one source. A dude named Eric Dubay. (I think that's how it's spelled) He's all over YouTube. Once you look into him, all this other stuff almost makes sense. If you do, let me know what you think. It's kind of interesting in a disturbing cult, con man kind of way LMAO


I'd be surprised if these flat earthers actually believe it. I think they are just looking for their 15 mins of YouTube fame.

They believe it! They are flat out crazy!

They believe it. A friend of mine thought it would be funny to add me to a Flat Earth debate group. You just wouldn't belive it, man.

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