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I have a master's degree

I was born to my parents, in an apartment, in Tacoma, WA. The same apartment I'd spend the rest of my childhood living in. I moved out shortly after 19. The apartment was run down, and the walls were covered in mold, and the wallpaper peeled on every exterior wall. The carpets were filthy. The linoleum floor peeled, and cracked. We had mice, a lot, when I was growing up. I'd find their shit in my dresser drawer, mixed with my clothes. Once I woke up to a rat, not a mouse, on the end of my bed.

We were poor, just like most families in my neighborhood. The city I was raised in is the most dangerous city in Washington State. We lovingly refer to it as, "Tacompton." Drive by shootings. Hookers down on South Tacoma Way, 2 blocks from my parents apartment. Drug house directly across the street, and on the next block.

We didn't own a car for much of my childhood. It was either broken, or we couldn't afford to fix it; later sending it to the junkyard around the time I was in the 6th grade. We never owned a car, again. We began using the bus to grocery shop, and take our laundry to the laundromat.

My father has a gambling addiction, and my mother has schizophrenia. It was a hell of a thing, growing up with the type of neglect I endured. I nearly died as an infant from something called Failure to Thrive. I'm sure any of my fellow medical colleagues will understand just how serious that is, and just how overt the neglect was at that time. My father would leave me alone with my schizophrenic mother, as an infant, while he went to work all day. She provided zero care. If you've never seen videos of what happens to a baby when they are denied human interaction, you're welcome to check it out, but it's not for the faint of heart. He would tell me about coming home from work and finding me in my crib. Bottle empty, or soured, covered in my own excrement after working to get my feces away from my already severely blistered skin. You're probably wondering, "why would he even admit to that?" Because he has narcissistic personality disorder also, and he loves to feel he's a saint. Blaming my mother for the neglect after my grandmother told me about my nearly dying.... well that just makes sense, when it comes to him.

So, infancy was pretty rough. But it didn't end there. My parents were poor, and couldn't afford childcare...... got it. But, what about my hair growing up? It's simple enough to brush a child's hair. Once again, overt neglect.

Once a year I would be taken to a salon to have them comb the birds nests from my hair. Sometimes the naps would get as large as a softball. Giant balls of tangled hair. And my father would complain about the cost of the salon, but he sure did have the money for those pull tabs.

I suffered much more abuse and neglect than what I've listed and described here. I could write a book on my life that would shock people. And probably break many a heart.

I say all of this, to say.....

Poverty. That's my greatest fear. I'm overcoming it step by step.

Today, in spite of all the things I endured growing up, I graduated with my master's degree in nutrition and dietetics, and completed my dietetic internship.

God did NOT help me. I did. I worked so very hard to achieve this. This was all me. Because growing up in a religious household, I was told to pray. And I did, like a good little girl. And it didn't stop any of the abuse. I always knew it wasn't real, deep down.

I did this. I overcame. I persisted.

nutrition_nerd 7 Aug 11

Enjoy being online again!

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130 comments (51 - 75)

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Sad to hear you were subject to such abuse and neglect, and happy that you are working past those deficites, congratulations.

@nutrition_nerd if I may spin some humor on this, living in Tacoma is abuse all in itself 😉 (I'm from North Kitsap)...

@nutrition_nerd it's rather humorous in Kitsap, we all hate each other: Poulsbo and Kingston are always at odds (except when we're not); most of North Kitsap begrudgingly tolerates Central Kitsap (they have a shopping mall), we all hate Bremerton, and Port Orchard is a "south of Bremerton Poulsbo-wannabe"; to top all of that - all the rest of Kitsap despises Bainbridge Island more than we hate each other, lol 😉


You are proof that people can do anything all you have to have is yourself

Phin Level 6 Aug 11, 2018

Congratulations and you did it yourself. Your way. Be proud.

@nutrition_nerd No one take that from you. This accomplishment is large and you should be proud.


My, after reading that I'm torn between sobbing and joy, and sobbing for joy. Despite the painful lump in my throat, I am so proud of you. Whoever you are, I applaud you. warm hug


Damned right. You did it. It always amuses me when I hear people say that they couldn't have done it without god. I know they think that's being humble, but I hear, "I'm better than everyone who faced the same adversity because god chose me over every single one of them.' Besides, whether they it or not, they absolutely did do it without god.

JimG Level 8 Aug 11, 2018

What a wonderful story of triumph over adversity. You are a brave and resilient person and you can take pride in knowing you and only you achieved what you have. There is most definitely a book in you and some day I hope you write it. In the meantime good luck in your career and it is not surprising that you have chosen one that will help alleviate the nutritional deficit you experienced in your earlier life.


Wow. Props to you, young lady. You're obviously a very strong and courageous individual. Often, I think others hear about, or perhaps live, stories like yours and draw the same conclusion you did; there's no all-seeing, all-loving father figure up in the sky. I hope you have other family, compassionate folks, who can share in your triumph.


Thank you for your story. I'm wiping tears of happiness that you made it through.


you persisted.... congrats for your tenacity! There is nothing you cannot overcome!


Keep going and remember to take time to love yourself!


Congratulations on what you have overcome and what you have achieved!

You only mention in passing that you could write a book....which dares me to say, why not?


I want to say You Fucking Rock!, but gratuitous profanity is disingenuous.


Congratulations on digging yourself out of a hole (and not falling into a religious trap along the way)!

It is also great that you recognize your need for emotional recovery and are getting help sooner rather than later. I hope that your parents have also been able to get help.


Way to persevere!!!


Congratulations . I have the same fear as well as becoming homeless. It drove me to save and earn

@nutrition_nerd don't ever give up


Congrats! Glad you are making progress despite all your troubles!

obis Level 6 Aug 11, 2018

Congrats! Love a good bootstrap story. You are an inspiration!


disparity, insufferable, depravity, lost, hate, malign, sad, suffering, indignant, unjust, pain, alone, hurt, dirty, trash, unkemp, evil, sociopathic, addicted, poverty, loathing, vanity,.....alone, without, in need, love, where was love....



Etre Level 7 Aug 11, 2018

Amazing and inspiring story. Two questions, sort of: 1) How'd you do it? (Were you a naturally good student? Were you able to get a scholarship? Did a change in your living conditions have to wait until you were able to move out, or did it occur before then? 2) What emotional challenges did you have to overcome or do you still have from the lack of human interaction you described?

@nutrition_nerd All the more inspiring then, but also sobering (the lingering issues). Thank you for sharing that. I wish you the best.


Your post about your childhood sounds quite a bit like mine. I grew up poor as well but I have no regrets.


You are a brilliant and beautiful star, and deserving of all the good you've worked so hard to set up for yourself. Take it all in with pride as you show the world how great life can be!


Right on, girlfriend! You are a walking testament of human perseverance! Much love, strength, and peace always! ??❤


Thanks for sharing this...truly inspirational


You rule. ❤


You are an inspiration. You've overcome tough situations. Thank you for sharing.

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