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Does anyone know of any scientific discovery Neil deGrasse Tyson has made? I've read more than once that other scientists despise him because of his fame in spite of having done nothing? He is a hell of a good speaker though.

JWDiaz 6 Jan 15

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Tyson was lead author of a handful of forgettable papers decades ago.

Popularizing science is a good thing, though. If you have high standards for rigor and accuracy, a science advocate doesn't need to be doing cutting edge research.

Unfortunately that doesn't describe Tyson. His over simplified pop science and history are often flat out wrong.

For example the time he told Joe Rogan there are more transcendentals than irrationals. []

Or his wrong history on the Muslim cleric Hamid al Ghazali. Ghazali never wrote that math was the work of the devil. Nor did Islamic innovation stop in the 12th century with Ghazali.

@irascible The transcendental numbers are a subset of the irrationals so it cannot be a larger set.

Both sets have cardinality aleph one, the cardinality of the continuum.

Like most of Tyson's fans you slept through your math classes.


I'd be interested to know who those scientists that despise him are. I imagine the majority enormously appreciate his efforts to popularise science and increase public knowledge of it.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 15, 2018

If they had his personality, maybe they would be where he is. His personality has brought tons of people into the fold and interested in science. There is something to say about that. I would think most scientists don't become rich or famous. They are smart people. I'm sure they can understand why he is where he is. It's not like he's a shyster or doesn't know what he's talking about. It might not be easy for them to swallow, but it is what it is.


Dr. deGrasse Tyson has participated in and enabled many research projects that have helped further the understanding of black holes, dark matter, and dark energy, among other things which are readily google-able. That he has decided to be an educator and communicator in addition to a researcher is to his credit, not detriment. Thousands of people have become inspired by science as a result of his efforts alone.

Screw those other jealous guys.


He is primarily a science communicator at this point, but he must have done original research in order to get his PhD in astrophysics. The idea of scientists "hating" him because he's famous shows their weak little egos; they should be celebrating that he is popularizing science and critical thinking to the general public.

Unfortunately he's only popularizing lip service to critical thinking. Far from questioning assumptions, Tysons fans will happily swallow B.S. if it seems to support their personal prejudices.

Tyson's cult of personality promoting skepticism and critical thinking is like adulterous Republicans singing the praises of family values.

And you say this apropos of what, exactly? Tyson can only lead the horse to water--he can't make it drink. And havng fans isn't a "cult of personality". Your own prejudices are showing.


He is an Academic, author and director of Hayden Planetarium. No scientific discoveries to date.


I think he does the job most other scientists don't want to have. He deals with the public and their image of scientists. I also don't believe he claims any discoveries as his own, so I'm not sure why people would be upset with him other than their own ego.


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