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"301 ‘Predator Priests’ Named In Pa. Grand Jury Sex Abuse Report: ‘They Were Raping Little Boys & Girls’"

They are asking forgivness. In fact, they are on their knees. Again.

Secretguy 7 Aug 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I want to know when "the church" will be held accountable, not just the pedophiles it has protected.


Sickening. When are their followers going to finally turn & run???

Carin Level 8 Aug 14, 2018

@Bandie I had one very Catholic friend who agonized & finally left. But I was shocked to recently learn that another friend, formerly catholic but evangelical ever since I met her, had returned to catholicism & even brings her 5 year old SON to church & sends him to catholic school. I really don't get it as I always considered her a really overprotective parent. Is she going to have him be an alter boy too?? But I don't discuss religious matters with her.

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