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Hitler Did What Fuhrer Trump is Doing Now With Security Clearances- Starting With John Brennan

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 15

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To admit to the world that he is retaliating against them because they spoke about the Russian affair just shows how low he can go.


To admit to the world that he is retaliating against them because they spoke about the Russian affair just shows how low he can go.


This is seriously at a frightful level. We can comment and yada yada but this man is indeed mobilizing a base and censoring the opposition. Putin is his coach.
I truly hope the hell we all vote this mid term.

EMC2 Level 8 Aug 15, 2018

"Fuhrer Trump". Thats good!


Anyone that supports #45 is a Nazi & support Putin too. Traitors.

Wouldn't that make them.commies and not Nazi's??


And every one have shown themselves to be radical left wing dems who are in the back pocket of the DNC and have it in for Trump. They've shown that they will lie, cheat and steal to sabotage his administration.. so l can't say l blame him..

45 doesn't target by party, he targets by dissent. McCain's GOP, but 45 won't mention his name when signing his bill. Mueller & Rosenstein are GOP, AND the indictments are flowing, but it's still, somehow, a witch hunt. Lying, cheating & stealing form the foundation 45's strategy to make America great again.

I think you're not going to enjoy the responses to this post , here . You may want to give it a second thought before coming to this particular group again , for awhile .

@chalupacabre Yes, thankfully, Trump doesn't care what party you SAY you're in, it's what you do that shows him what kind of person you are.. and that's awesome. But this is about Brennan, who was put into office by Obama (no big secret who butters his toast) . His yes men proved via texts that they had it in for Trump.. There's a reason for the title of RINO (Republican in name only).

@Cast1es I guess your problem here is two fold.. 1st - l couldn't fucking care less about the responses to my post here. 2nd - News/Links isn't a fucking ''group'' Einstein... It's a discussion category.. You don't have to join to post something.. And l'll gladly come back and point out the stupidity l see here when ever l fucking feel like it... Now perhaps you should change that first description you put about yourself in your bio... it's just mind blowing how wrong it is.. not to mention arrogant as fuck.. But l've come to expect that from you folks.. pffft..

@Captain_Feelgood At least I had the decency to debate issues and not to make things personal, but perhaps as one who supports the Morons Ain't Goin Away movement, that's something beyond your capability. I see your point about Trump not being terribly concerned about what party an individual belongs to, and being more interested in what kind of person you are? why else would he hire Omarosa in the first place? She had no discernible skills, yet was paid the maximum salary for a White House employee. Manafort's sure proven a valuable asset to have on his team, huh? After helping Putin install Yanukovich as head of one government, why would he not help him install another stooge in power? Yes, what you do absolutely does show your character? Which is why so many in his orbit are looking at doing time for what they've done and cheeto won't be far behind.
As for RINOs, how many other Republicans donated $100K to the Clinton Foundation? (

John Brennan's a very bright man with experience in the matters he discusses. That clearly doesn't support 45 criterion for support positions. If it did, he certainly wouldn't choose DeVos as the Education Secretary, Rick Perry as the Energy Secretary or most of the other positions as he has. He's not draining the swamp; he's consolidating it.

Mind blowing doesn't take much when there's so little to blow.

@Captain_Feelgood I was just saying that, to date , all other posts I've seen on here are anti-Trump . You seem to be swimming upstream , alone in your thoughts on the topic . If you don't care , then I will no longer feel any concern for your feelings . As to my own merits , they have repeatedly been third party confirmed . I am who I am . There is nothing arrogant , about admitting the truth , about who I am . You , on the other hand haven't even written your bio . and I note you ended your education at second year college level . It's a start , I suppose .

No one has it in for Trump , we are merely protecting the constitution. Trump wants to destroy it and we the people want our nation back. The nation of freedom of press, freedom of speech and free to think outside insanity.


tRump is destroying our democracy, our government and all that is good about our country


This is pathetic. But the MAGA idiots will see no problem with it.

Ohub Level 7 Aug 15, 2018

Haven't heard about this . What's going on or perhaps off ?

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