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The wind chill factor is 18 degrees in houston! what is going on with the world?

twshield 8 Jan 16

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Well all really know what’s happening
Climate Change / global warming is happening before our eyes.
Our leader refuses acknowledge and participate and protect our planet.
You think 2017 was bad ?! Hold on for 2018!


Heading for 12, with snow on VA’s Blue Ridge! ...but Houston..? There must be 50 MPH winds!
...just read that “Hell has frozen over.” - best laugh tonight 😀

Varn Level 8 Jan 16, 2018

Hell has frozen over. Remember that thing you said you would do when hell freezes over. Well it's that time to do it. LoL.


Too many humans


Hell is freezing over! Just kidding. Sorry, I couldn't resist since I lived in Houston for about 10 years. I'm glad to be away from the "air you can wear" and I'm glad to be back in Fort Worth. Feel free to laugh at me, because the actual temperature here is supposed to be 13 tonight.

Am I the only freethinker who thinks the Sun is the main factor in climate change and Anthropogenic Global Warming is another fear-mongering religion?


Its 32 in snowy NH-Storm coming this way tonight. Global warming?

Don’t know that short bursts of cold grow glaziers as fast as record setting heat melts them..

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