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Ok so life has flipped in the last week. I was offered a teaching job in my subject (world history 10th grade) on Monday so I quit my other job on the spot, despite the offer to move to North Carolina. This week has flown by and I can not explain how amazing this choice has made my life. In just a week I have become so happy. On top of all of that I met another athiest today, which in the south is like finding a unicorn. At my school they do insain things like prayer walks before school and pray 3 times in an hour long meeting. Today we had a lunch meeting and as I said they prayed 3 times. Once at the start, once before we ate and again to close the meeting. I get it I'm in a southern school and it doesn't so much bother me but of course I just sit through it. So while they were praying I was looking around for others who like me weren't joining in. There was a small handful, one of which was the teacher in the class next to mine. After the meeting we walked back to our classrooms together, talking about this and that, I didn't expect her to bring it up but when we got back to our classrooms away from the others the question just popped out. "Are you an athiest?" I was kind of shocked and being new I know not to risk my job by spreading that kind of information so I said "well that's a question" she said "I am and ____ is a Buddhist" she looked down the hall to make sure no one was listening in. We had a short conversation about how dangerous it is for ppl to find out but now we know we have each other's backs. I can't explain how happy all of this had made me. Finding even one other athiest near me...just wow.

Gypsy31771 6 Aug 17

Enjoy being online again!

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It's hard to not be a Christian in Southern US schools. The current principal isn't as bad about it, but apparently when the former principal was interviewing for my position, he asked them where they went to church. Luckily, I interviewed with an assistant principal, or I probably wouldn't even be in Nashville now.

Congrats on finding your school tribe. We can't survive without it.


In History... How do you get over the Earth is only 6000 years old shit?

I start with prehistory, 3100 BCE. The public school system isn't supposed to allow any mixture of religion with education, unfortunately the south doesn't care about that when it comes to prayer, however luckily they don't argue with state standards for teaching which require using scientific facts like the world existing outside of the Bible timeline.


We share a common language but culturally the US and UK are poles apart.


Congrats on the new job and I’m glad you’ve found an ally. I can’t even imagine living in a place where prayer was imposed like that.

It's not supposed to be. They prefis every prayer with "I know we're not supposed to do this but I believe in it so..." It's a public school, so it shouldn't be done but... I don't think the three of us want to rock the boat enough to make them stop and lose our jobs at the same time

@Gypsy31771 that really sucks.


I'm so happy for you! ?


Excellent, though I hope others won't outcast y’all for it. Here’s to a strong frendship between y’all!

Me and her kind of have the same understanding of not bringing up that particular subject in front of anyone else, although maybe us and the Buddhist can have our own secret meetings


That's a nice story !!... little by little the world will keep changing free of prejudice. One day at the time


Lol sounded like you two were discussing a jail break or something, congrats, ask her to join us here

I'd say it's more dangerous than a jailbreak, prisoners trying to escape just get thrown back in. We would lose our jobs and probably not be allowed into any other schools

@Gypsy31771 ?some prisoners are killed while running ?but I get your point


Good for you,almost like belonging to a secret society,will you create special hand gestures,handshakes,or dress in a special color?

White robes and a pointy hat is a good look in the South.

I'm kind of hoping she'll introduce me to the Buddhist and maybe we can have lunch or something sometimes. No white robes or pointy hats involved

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