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I am of the opinion that the ten commandments of the bible were altered works taken from the Egyptian Book of Gates in the Negative Confessions where instead of the thou shalt not kill it was in the negative confessions I have not killed.The book of Gates was probably a 1,000 years older than the ten commandments and so over time through generation after generation stories change/altered to suit the people of the time.Also I am of the opinion the Moses exodus was really the Shamas{Egyptian Priests}and its followers who had to flee Egypt after the Pharoah Ackhenaten died and his religion with the god Atun was being replaced by the priests who believed in the former god before Ackhenaten called Amen Ra the sun god,and being violent times all of Ackhenatens statues writings etc destroyed and its followers were being killed so they had to flee to save their lives and eventually wound up in what is Jerusalem.Remember we are talking of generations upon generations of these people later and so stories and facts get altered over time.also the Sumarian Epics of Gilgamesh have an equivalent Moses story which was way earlier in time than the Moses story and given that people of the Middle East such as travellers up and down the Nile would have taken their stories and spread them and once again over time the change to become the Moses story with the Exodus.This is just what I think.

PeterJohn 6 Jan 16

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if you can obtain a book called Man and his Gods by an American Author Homer.W.Smith it encompasses religious beginnings from neolithic man's superstition and up to the 18th century it is an old book but may still be available if you look on the internet.


Wow I am privilages to be amongst so many knowlegeable and intelligent people in
My knowledge is quite limited as I have a lousy memory in retaining what I have read.


Honestly, I think the 'not killing', and 'don't steal' parts are the most important - especially since both behaviors seem to be in our DNA.


Ahmed Osman in his book Out of Egypt, writes about this extensively. As an amateur Early Christian historian I have been forced to study much Egyptology. I frankly don't know how far to take it. What I can say is I'm convinced at the least, that the Egyptian influence on Christianity is vastly underestimated by most Christian scholars.


The whole Moses story of the exodus from Egypt which lasted 40 years can be disproven just by the geology of the land. On previous posts we have broken the book down by individual events and presented articles to back each incident up. You've got a lot of information here.

Thankyou Sassygirl3869

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