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In your name...the bomb used to kill 40 children in Yemen was supplied by The US! How does that square with what it means to be an American? Has America lost it’s ability to care about it’s children and even those elsewhere? What kind of war are we waging? A war on school children and young people? If we can’t stop others from killing, how difficult must it refuse to help others kill...? How hard I ask you? Somebody in this country is now lining his own pockets with the ‘blood money’ from those bombs that killed 40 children on a school a foreign country! Depraved...what America can love money, more than life itself?

Freedompath 9 Aug 18

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If the U.S had any moral integrity , we would declare our shame and tell the saudis that if they bombed Yemen again that we would retaliate on Yemens behalf by randomly bombing some saudi palaces !

Yes! That should go over like a lead balloon! We could stand up to the Saudis and let them keep their oil! We could find ways to cope with less oil! I would imagine that if people were told, that we intend to use our leverage to save lives...they would use their gasoline, more carefully!


You're not from America I take it? Let me clear that up for ya...America is a cess pool. The powers that be could care less about ur children or ours. I can almost guarantee the school ur children attend has a far better educational system then any public school in this country. Of course it doesn't stop there...those same children grow to be uneducated adults and either don't vote at all or think pieces of slime like Trump actually give 2 shits about their plight in life. So we sit back and wait for a wall to be built to keep out the evil Mexicans, watch our national debt spiral to ridiculous proportions, build more prisons then every other country combined, step over the homeless on the way our to our shit paying jobs we'll work til were dead due to social security being raped and salute the corporate logo that is the stars and stripes. So do we care about some kids getting killed? No one's losing any sleep over it, we've all been comatose for about a half century now.

Yes! It is my name too, and it makes me angry...very angry! I wish i had a solution that would sell...but I have never appealed to the profit driven people, so I state my ideas in hopes of good..,any good from anywhere! Every life matters...

To say we have been comatose for half a century indicates a distinct lack of historical perspective. Being comatose goes back at least to John Winthrop in 1620 Boston and in reality, IMO, goes back as far as since the time what can be defined as humans have existed.

@Healthydoc70 I was basically referring to the complete lack of unity this country once had, let alone any empathy it had for others. In an age where you can literally talk to anyone, find out anything in a matter of seconds, we Americans and yes the rest of the human race...have never been more disconnected then we are right now. People are sleep walking through life and it's due to no fault of their own. When the world around you becomes so shitty that fixing it is no longer an option, what else can ya do? Sit back, self medicate, watch the idiot box and wait for the end of days is about it.

@Gemini61375 yes, one must guard against apathy even if there seems to be no way to help make things better.


We know the bomb (singular) hit a school bus. We don't know that it was aimed at the bus when it was dropped. The bus is a moving object. It may have come between the aircraft that dropped it and the intended target. Until we have full details, we won't know and may never know.

Civilians are killed in war. It is tragic. This bomb is said to have been aimed at a specific person who was responsible for launching a ballistic missile into a civilian area in Saudi territory the day before. Again, we don't know and may never know the full details. It depends on whether you believe the coalition forces.

Just because we had stopped supplying the coalition with precision ordinance doesn't mean we stopped supplying them with weapons, period. The US is a leading supplier of weapons and vehicles to most nations in the Middle East. If it's not us, it's the Russians, if it's not the Russians it's the Chinese. As a matter of our security it's better that it be us making allies via friendly dealings with the nations of the region. This is a harsh point of view, but it's the one we have to take as a matter of realpolitik. It doesn't lessen my being disturbed by the needless death of civilians on either side. However, I think the coalition's story may have something to it. I don't think they deliberately aimed at a school bus. I think it unexpectedly drove into the path.

My thought on this story, there is no real war is civil disturbance and most likely only sectarian in nature. It is the money, that the Saudi’s are paying for these arms that they get from the US...not making and keeping friends! If I understand you correctly...if we don’t supply arms, Russia or China will? If my eyes and ears are correct, the unrest in the Middle East has only fallen into complete disarray at this point, so how has sending weapons to the Middle East, helped to keep us safe? Let the Russians and the Chinese pay the price for helping to destroy other countries by providing it weapons! ‘It’s the money, stupid’ (not you) is really what is at stake...this will not keep America safe! Millions of innocent civilians have been killed in the last 10 years, in the Middle East! Killing to keep people safe, is not my idea of keeping the peace! I hear very little that is being done, with talks or economic remedies...toward real help, that would help solve the disgruntled people problems! That is too difficult apparently...but, arms deals to kill as many people as possible will get profits, and besides it is foreign people, that we care little about and don’t even know! It is disgusting and I hate that it tarnishes my name as American!

I am inclined to agree with your perspective. The news I've seen claims that the Saudis are fighting Iranian-backed ISIS and similar militants. A lot of the fighting is sectarian, as is the feud between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Isis has been ruthless in their killing and I don't mourn their deaths. But, I have difficulty relating to anyone in that part of the world. Sunni or Shiite or Isis, they are all Muslims, and given a chance would bomb us for being 'Infidels'. The history of the US surely has many low points and the high points are getting few and far between. Does the US really exist anymore, other than in the hearts of a small minority? I salute the loyalty to the sentiments of democracy and a constitutional republic, but that's not what we have now. And no one has a plan to get it back, or even advocates dealing with the traitors and treason-enablers in our midst. We are so screwed.

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