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I find that although I don’t seem to do all the atheist discussion stuff and read all the literature out there on it... I do enjoy being involved with people who during everyday discussions and small talk, don’t keep thanking god for whatever or blessing me for sneezing or telling me what a blessing something is. Thanks for being here

Phin 6 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I agree. But there are a few theists here..just encountered one, and, of course, blocked him immediately.


We all get the same sense of belonging even if we're totally different in our togetherness 🙂


Religion is fictitious, so those looking to perpetuate it inject it into everyday life. Atheism, the opposite of religion, focuses on reality, both the good and bad..

There’s an older guy I made the effort to meet last year, after long admiring his orchard. Regarding fruit growing, we hit it off; but his constant insertion of religion into every-other utterance so turned me off … I rarely look toward his place when driving by I race home to ‘this’ 🙂

Varn Level 8 Aug 19, 2018
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