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CRICKETS.......... I hear only crickets!
The presidency has just been implicated in a crime and yet I hear nothing from rump supporters, the GOP or the Democrats! Why aren't the Democrats all over this? Am I missing something here?

patchoullijulie 8 Aug 22

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I deliberately watched a few minutes of Sean Hannity to see how he'd spin it. He said Americans should pay their taxes and not lie to the FBI, but that the indictments had nothing to do with Russia, so still no indications of collusion. Yeah, so 5 minutes or so's pretty much my limit of him. It was no surprise that he didn't go into any detail of where Manifort's money was coming from or the deals that he was trying to strike with the bank exec that wanted to be Secretary of the Army and he barely squeaked his association with Cohen (a New York lawyer who barely does any business and only has 3 clients - Hannity being one of them?). And he's representative of where their coverage interests lie.

My hero for watching 5 minute of that shit bag excuse for a human being. I couldn't do it. 😟 They will rationalize it to suit their purposes somehow. They are really good at that.


If Meuller has the goods on Trump, he will wait until after the midterms, probably submit recomendations to Congress or the Justice department, maybe both after reading his damning report to the world. If it includes treason the entire administration will be booted out, then we will have special elections for the first time in history.

Well I'm hoping that to be true. That is my wet dream (sorry is this the wrong place to say that 😕) to see the whole lot booted out 😀

@patchoullijulie l love it when you say wet dream. There is no place you can't say wet dream. ☺


The Democrats do not want to run on impeachment, they want to run on problem solving. The most obvious reasons we don't talk about it is because there are at least 6 Democrat Senators in red states we need to keep if we want to impeach him in the future, no sense losing seats in the Senate, we need to flip 2 to regain control-only then can we impeach. Talking about impeachment will just fire up his base in those states. Just as likely if we win the Senate (unlikely) and the House (likely) we will just leave Trump there and cut his balls off. If Pence takes over we are in for a poop-storm of religious fanaticism and nut-case laws against gays, women and people of color. If we don't win the Senate it is unlikely we can do anything. The good news is, with a majority in the house Trump can be controlled somewhat, he is actually dumb as a bag of hammers and doesn't really know how government works.

On the other hand if the Democrat's were to fire up over something (any fucking thing at this point please, they have a lot to choose from) they may fire up those voters that didn't vote in 2016.

@patchoullijulie an interesting option, one that is debated strongly especially by Bernie supporters. I am one of them. For years the Democrats and republicans have fought over the same voters, the voting independents, usually about 6% of the voting electorate. Bernie was able to motivate the non-voters and created a huge debate within the party. Will this work in red States? Polling says no, but can you trust the polling? The stakes are high, leadership is being pulled in both directions. It is a difficult decision.


I think we're all just kinda burnt out. Outrage at the ignoramus and his following has become so everyday, I don't think we remember how to feel good.

It's like not realizing how much pain you were in until it goes away.

I agree 😟 It is a daily battle to stay afloat emotionally.


Too good to be true, maybe?

Or it could be that Dems are waiting for the investigation to conclude before doing anything. Kind of a 'don't jinx it' approach.

Could be.


A sorry first , for being stupidly english about american affairs of state, are they waiting for more to come out so they can really nail him adn could it be the democrats are scared because he has a finger on that button to start a war if he doesnt get his own way? truly sorry for probably being very silly.

Not that silly at all.

Not silly at all. Good points.


It has been an ongoing thing for so long... a new revelation seems like nothing new, as there has been one of those at least once a week since Trump was elected. I don't think people are paying close attention to details anymore.

I think a lot of people are not paying attention and not just because of the daily exhaustive assaults that we have to deal with. I think a lot are oblivious to the severity of our political situation.

@patchoullijulie On NPR today, they said that Cohen's testimony is cause to file foru counts against Trump and his campaign. Two for using funds to benefit the campaign (paying off women to keep quiet), and two more for not reporting the money used to pay the women off as campaign contributions, or money used to help benefit the campaign.

They (Trump's people) are spinning it as if the pay offs wee legal settlements as if they were settling a lawsuit for one of Trump's businesses, because the lawsuit was hurting the campaign. However, it isn't the same thing. There is a big difference between one of Trump's businesses and Trump the actual person. A business can't run for office. Setting a business lawsuit does not speak to the character of the person as much as paying off a person to not report bad behavior of a candidate.

I am putting the above up as a general post under "politics."

@snytiger6 It is so convoluted and complex and so hard to keep up with each twist and turn. Thanks for the info.

@patchoullijulie Most people are not schooled in logical fallacies (anymore, probably not since the early 1960's), and so justifications and counter arguments may seem to make sense to them, because they have not learned to spot the fallacies in resoning.

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