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I was invited by some friends to join them for coffee today in a new Coffee Shop/Drop In Centre, but was warned that it was run by Christian volunteers. They said it was a nice environment and there was no bible thumping so I went along. They don’t charge anything for the food and drink but rely on people’s goodwill to leave a donation. The place was light and airy and bright . The food and coffee excellent....the organiser dropped over to speak to us to ask how we were and to outline some of the services they offered there. Folks, I was really impressed with what they were trying to do, to bring people in off the streets and offer help and counselling. There we a few there that looked a bit down in their luck. She went on to tell us about the bible study classes they held certain mornings of the week and it was at that point I said I was an atheist. We then had a lengthy, respectful interchange of views where I told her what I believed...she listened and told me she respected my viewpoint but hoped some day God would move me to believe and that I would feel his love. What a lovely lady, I will go back there and I will support her efforts with generous donations. Just wanted to say.....don’t make all Christians the enemy. We recognised in each other today kindred spirits in wanting to help our fellow human beings. The only difference between us was, she believed her god was telling her to do this work, whereas I believe she was moved to do it because she was a compassionate human being. We hugged each other before I left and know I have made a new friend.

Marionville 10 Aug 22

Enjoy being online again!

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You're more tolerant than I am. That woman is running a "service" in hopes of indoctrinating unsuspecting vulnerable people who come in, so when people donate, they are participating in that.

I wouldn't go near a religious place, given any kind of choice, and if a Christian starts in on me, I look bored, mumble, "Um-hum..that's nice," while checking my watch, then I leave.

We each think differently on this and I value your comments. I however make a judgement based on personal instinct with people, I have great life experience being rather old now and have always been a good judge of character. This woman is doing it to try to help troubled and lonely people. If she does covert a few I don’t mind that, she will not covert me. Actually there are virtually no nonbelievers to convert where I live anyway, although some may be lapsed. Everyone here is affiliated to some Christian denomination or other. I am not afraid of Christians, all my friend are and I love them all. I think they regard me as an eccentric rather than a heretic...I am definitely an oddity here. I just thought I would share my story to show that there are genuinely good Christians who are not right wing evangelicals zealots, but who quietly act out their Christianity in a practical way.


Sorry but I wouldn't patronize a place where the owner's ulterior motive is inducing God in people's lives. She may be as lovely as you say but she didn't respect you at all...if she had done so she wouldn't had said to you ""...hoped some day God would move me to believe and that I would feel his love....""

I respectfully disagree,, she did it with the best of motives. I have lived on this earth for 73 years and have met all types of people from every corner of the world and can recognise a genuinely good person when I meet one. My character judgements have never been wrong and when I looked into her face I saw only love.

@Marionville And I respectfully disagree as well. No person that respects me comes and say to me "God Bless you / I hope you find the way to him..." or any of the cliches they so well manage. She must be "genuine" but couldn't help to tell you -in a left handed way- that she didn't approve of your way of thinking...That, to me, is lack of respect.

@DUCHESSA Thank you for your views and I value them.

@Marionville I am sure you do. 🙂

@DUCHESSA You are a very cynical lady, when I say a thing I mean it. If I thought otherwise I would have said so.

@Marionville If you think my comment was cynical maybe you are reading your own mind. BTW, I was not cynical but sarcastic


I photograph many motorcycle rallies where the Christian groups put on a breakfast. They are never too hung over to cook, unlike some of the other groups.


really liked this story thank you , yes I have had some good relationships with people of faith we don't bother each other too much - is key also laughing together helps.

There are good people everywhere. I take everyone as an individual, religion or the lack of it don’t define our intrinsic character. Goodness is there in most people if we want to see it.


Sounds like an example of this [] .

Yes it is obviously based around the same principles. I am immune to being converted so I can be objective about supporting this sort of enterprise. I don’t object at all to practical Christianity....not preaching but demonstrating their faith. It deserves support as its objectives are noble. If converting some people too comes along with it that may be a good thing too as it may be a path away from addiction or crime.

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