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It's a damn shame that poor Molly Tibbets was slaughtered by an illegal MALE immigrant....she lost her precious life to this animal and it fuels trumps fire at the same time

Xena 6 Aug 22

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His daughter is the press secretary for the so called "president".


How many people were killed the same day by native born Americans? This argument is as stupid as the people that buy into it.


He was here legally, according to his attorney.

I wonder if the crime would be any less horrific had she been killed by a citizen.

To me, a criminal’s immigration status is irrelevant. He still murdered her (allegedly) and she is still dead.

but trumps base is delighted

It missed me that that was your point. Now I see!!! ?


Yeah figuring this is going to be the poster case for “violent brown immigrants”

from mike huckabee. his daughter is the press secretary for the president.


All some can glean from this horror is, "see ? we need that (goddamn) wall ! " - like it will stop all future murders ...



But please note, he had been working for four years for a rich Republican farm family. Here I thought it was illegal to employ an illegal alien. And why do you suppose they employed him? To save big bucks?


The murder was indeed sad and horrific. But what is also sad, and you pointed out, is that thousands of people have lost their lives to crime since the beginning of the year. One is by an illegal alien and its front page. One in thousands is not statistically significant. Thst has been the problem with conservatives argument all along. They want to make the exception the rule instead of solving the immigration problem


It's a shame the GOP exploits this tragedy to score political points, but hey, that's Washington for you.

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