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How long has everyone been single. For me it's been over 2 years.

Rhonda873 6 Jan 17

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10 years


Going on 4 years. I'm happy but it would be nice to have a female companion. This is kinda the reason why I don't have that companion.
First I got a divorce from my wife after 22 years of marriage. I said in the last year she needed to do something about the craziness. I moved out and she became a stalker. 3 months later after I moved out she was hospitalized in the sycophantic ward for a little over a month. First gal after moving out of 6 months was a message therapist. Me her at a restaurant. 6 months later I come to find out the she was doing her client's because gonorrhea just doesn't pop up after 6 months.
Second gal come to find out after 6 months was doing meth. Then she proceeded to take my daughters identity to buy a car, racked up a credit card she applied for and got with her id. My daughter and I went to court several times for different felonies that was brought up to her by us. Then come to find out that she had 5 or 6 felonies prior to meeting me for identity fraud. Ok one and half later she was out of jail. Unknown to us until we got summoned to court which was a surprise that she was living less then a mile from me and 4 more identity fraud case against her and one stole jeep.
Third gal I stayed with for two years. After 6 months again I find out she abused prescription drugs. I told the parents and we came up with a plan to help their daughter out. Everything was good for about a year after she got out of rehab but about 2 or 3 months after that year ended I and her children was noticing that she was acting odd. And come to find out she was buying other peoples prescription drugs because they wouldn't prescribe anything over tylenol basically.
So I've had a shit storm for about 5 or 6 years. I have a trust issue and I really can't see me being with someone or even going out on a date because all I'm thinking about is what shit storm do you have for me. I hope to get over it and trust again but I'm more geared to being alone till my death. I have friends but I'm not into dudes. Lol.

Prhjr Level 5 Sep 25, 2018

A year and 8 months. But in reality, much longer b/c my last two relationships were long distance. So it wasn’t a consistent physical interaction/ intimacy.


Yepp 5 years for me. I'm back to being a very hard little virgin ???


A bit over two years. Widowed from my soulmate; carrying a torch for a redheaded ghost. Not actively looking, but would like to someday find a new partner in crimes against mundanity


All my life


According to Florida Civil Court: 18 years. According to me... Reserved Cosmic Atomal Top Secret For My Eyes Only Specat Clearance.


Over 2 years as well


2 years


About 9 years. Best time of my life, but then again... The worst.


2 years


14 yrs or so.......


Divorced 2003, two relationships of three years each and alone since 2013.


Around 7 years give or take


Ten years for me.


About a year and a half ... existing on occasional hugs. Oh well.


12 years.


7 months


I've actually never been in a relationship, although I've tried to change that. So that's 21 years for me.




Well I'm 20, so 20 years aha




Coming up on 5 years for me since my marriage ended. Not that I'm opposed to dating, just haven't clicked with anyone and don't have much time to date.


Three and a 1/2 years. Though, my last relationship, I was really close to getting 'married'.

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