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I just read a quote that I wanted to share and see what others think. "Fear can only be completely conquered by a knowledge of truth."

Beowulfsfriend 9 Aug 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I mostly agree with this. You could easily substitute other words for fear : prejudice, religion, hate, anger etc.
All of those things seem to be generated by a lack of knowledge about the object of one's angst.


Truth like knowledge is too passive to overcome fear by itself, but armed with the knowledge of truth fear may be confronted.


I think fear doesn't need to be conquered its an emotion that is mostly rational it is useful - I get that too much fear can make your life a misery - but have you ever seen the film 'Fearless'?

And I also don't quite know what 'knowledge of truth' is .


...which is why those in charge throughout history jealously guarded truths and meagerly parsed out crumbs of it to the plebeians throughout history.

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