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Are Internet social networks that important to you? How

Humanlove 7 Jan 18

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I don’t find social media important at least to me. Doesn’t better my growth in my career in any form nor does it provide comfort or support. Talking to people and seeing their expressions do so much more or calling them up.


For me, yes! 🙂 I found that once I came to terms with my separation from religion, it was a much easier transition with the help of the online communities I joined. I felt very isolated and lonely at first. Especially on the dating front. But knowing I'm not alone in my refusals and lack of beliefs was very comforting to me.


Yes. Even without significant social anxiety, I don't connect with others in meatspace very much. Social networks and online communities do the work of filtering so I can find people of similar intelligence, temperament, and interests. I can plug right into pools of such kindred spirits quite easily online, as opposed to spending a great deal of time and effort in meatspace with far poorer results.

All I ever want to do is exchange ideas anyway--online fulfills that nicely. Without, I'd have a lot less connection in my life.


FB for connecting to friends and family.


I've kept in contact with, and met more people, than I would have if there was no social media. They are important to me in that way. They can be important in business too. They're also a great way to pass the time if you're bored or not in the mood to read a book. Oh yeah, and porn lol


Yes and no. It's a lot of fun to chat with people of diverse cultures and ideas... even if that means we don't always agree. But on the other hand, it's very important to have actual social networks, otherwise we don't make those connections that are so vital to human growth and happiness.


Facebook is really the only one I partake of, besides this site. I initially got on FB to keep in touch with other theatre people - upcoming auditions, rehearsal schedules, mutual support etc. Then, before long, all my friends, and what's left of family past and present, found me, or I them, and before I knew it major parts of my life are represented there. Some wonderful, warm reunions resulted ! It's a great way to follow my friend's lives presently. I know I would have lost touch with many of these people otherwise - were it not not for this connection.

With the exception of two people, I only befriend those that I have actually spent real face-to-face time with.

And while all of this is valuable to me, I've recognized the downsides of overuse. Negative, depressing things can appear there too, which can mess with my head. Plus literal hours can vanish ! So I ration my time - which can be better spent elsewhere - like seeing some of my folks in person !


I love this site because I love to chat and laugh without getting shit from people who aren't real like they are on here. I use facebook to help animals and youtube is a great tool.


Social media is incredibly fascinating to me.
Particularly in the view of Brands, Advertising, Marketing, Manipulation, and The Truman Show.
From YouTube Channels and Advertising based on video views all the way into Social Media Personalities and how they're developed - is the attention received curated or is the character natural?

I truly believe that Reality television and television in general will fall victim to people exposing their lives in real-time through various media platforms.


As it stands, just this one.

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