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This is a question for women. Does it creep any of you out to have a bunch of men following you here? The reason I ask is that I was reading a woman's profile and she said she would be following more people soon, but she didn't want to creep anyone out. I realize having followers is a way of generating points, conversation, and relationships, and you can easily block people to handle any problem followers. I was just wondering how you felt about it. Does it creep you out?

questionall 5 Aug 25

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No, it doesn't bother me in the least.


Not at all. Sometimes I'm just curious why. I'm not that interesting.

@questionall It must be the recipes I posted.

@questionall I post recipes in the vegan groups. They might not show up on my profile. I rarely talk to my parents even now, only when absolutely necessary (like my mom was in the hospital recently for pneumonia). I do get updates from various people. If I call and talk to them it might just end up in arguments.

@questionall I posted a recipe for some yummy balls recently.

@questionall They are in the groups so I don’t know if the posts would show up in the general posts.

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