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Was at a local burger place eating lunch. A church had a gathering and as I ate it was getting kinda noisy. So during a natural lull I said, just loud enough, "thank goddess, I can hear myself think!" It got real quiet till I left. There are some advantages to being a 6'1 300lb white Male. ?

Randalltague 4 Aug 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Good thing they didn’t pull out their slings (slingshots) and begin to play ‘David’ 😉

Varn Level 8 Aug 26, 2018

why is that better, in this case, than being non-white?


White, male, and size privileges combined!

Yep. the Only power that sometimes scares those pesky religious types.

@Randalltague R U kidding?..religious people are trained from early childhood to obey and revere older white men.

@birdingnut not that old, lol.

@Randalltague However, 40 years old seems to be the cut-off time conservative religious people start considering men to be older and wiser. Younger than that, they sometimes look down on men as "kids."

@birdingnut true. I, however, don't look my age. I look in my early 30's... and act like I'm 14...?

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