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You know what I love? I love it when somebody says something to you that can change how you see yourself. Sometimes it is a stranger, sometimes a friend, or even a post or video you see online. So if you see someone with striking eyes, a breathtaking smile, infectious laugh, gorgeous hair, banging outfit, generous personality, or an empathetic attitude. let them know. They might have heard it before, or they might not, either way, you just might make their day! Did anyone ever do that for you? Let me know!

Tamresa 5 Aug 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I have always been self-conscious about the way that I laugh, because it’s always been something that people made fun of... so much that I’ve learned to hold back, and when I smile while I’m laughing I cover my mouth because I also don’t like my big front teeth. ? Anyway, it was a small thing, but my last ex-boyfriend told me that I have a great laugh because you can tell that I really mean it (instead of criticizing how loud I laugh, or how odd it sounds!).

I had this happen too, just the other day. My late husband ...would curl up in a little ball of embarrassment when something really hit me & the witch/hyena/jungle bird laugh would escape from my lips. LOL

then....the other day I was laugh growling & after about the 3rd time of being mimic'd by this person I called them out on it "ok, are you fault finding my laugh", without missing a beat he says OMG NO I LOVE your laugh! With such sincerity I believed him. Which ... well it was a relief. because it had been eating me when he did that.


That is absolutely true!

Any compliments received always get a heartfelt thank You! If someone takes time to say something nice I always respond.


Wow, thanks for all of the comments, I am so happy to hear that so many of you try to " it forward," or even start the chain. I am like many of you, I also find it hard to take a compliment, especially a physical one, and as some of you said, I sometimes suspect they are making fun of me, or have an ulterior motive, what that could be, I hesitate to speculate. The complements easiest to take and reciprocate, are the "you are so sweet!" "I love the way you make me laugh!" and my all-time favorite..." thanks for being you!" I do like to be the one complementing, and I do it whenever I can.


One time many years ago, when I was young and slim, I got catcalled by a black woman while walking down the street in Los Angeles. I was extremely flattered!


I was told that when someone first meat me, that I looked like a total asshole. But but once they got to talk to me I was really a nice and intell..... blah blah blah. It made me laugh because I realized then that I have Rest Bitch Face or whatever the Male version of that is. Years of training intensely has given me a perment furrowed brow. That and a few stitches close to the midpoint of my brow gives me an unintended "The Rock Eyebrow" . So I do my best to stay alert to it in social and networking setting but if I try too hard to adjust it, I just look like a psychopath walking around surprised. But my favorite and most genuine compliment is "I really like the way you carry yourself". Sincere, genuine kind body language is so hard to find but so easy to see.


I get some of this every so often, "who's that guy in the sexy shirt?" I like to compliment my bartender as soon as I get her attention and tell her she looks great. The corollary to this is that a lot of people have no idea how to take a compliment, they get uncomfortable and make a counter claim, "oh, I look terrible today, this is an old outfit, etc." But you're right, a small compliment can make anyone's day. More people should do it.


I try to do that every day and with everyone I interact with. It may be something as insignificant as "I like your nails!" or "Nice shirt!". It makes them smile which then makes me smile as well! 🙂


Obviously this tale is not relatable to all but; back in the day when we (northen) irish were killing each other over religion/political ideology i made aspeech on behave of my union berating politicians and asking workers to join together. Two days late i 'm walking up main st. And out of the corner of my eye i spot a very well known musician locally, but much more importantly all round good guy who i had great admiration for (n prob 20 yrs my elder) on the other side of the road. He caught my eye and i knew instantly what he was going to do next and i felt quite overwhelmed. He made a point of crossing the road to take my hand and thank me for my words for they had really moved him.
A simple tale really but it is to date one of my most treasured moments. To have moved a fellow human, someone i personally admired with my words. You can keep your medals, certificates, your accolades, that was my moment. I am proud of it's simplicity. ?

That is freaking awesome Simon, beautiful!

@Qualia ach now, you'll make me blush ?


I do this on a regular basis. I complement my co-workers, the cashier at the grocery store, a stranger on the elevator...I light up when someone sincerely complements me so I pay it forward. It takes no time at all to say something nice.


I have had this happen to me and it helped me through a tough time. So now I try to pass it on and I like to compliment people on something about them that catches my attention. 😀

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