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My job writing software feels like this somedays.

Ohub 7 Aug 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I really don't know what you are thanking me with for, man. I was in need for android app development services and nobody helped me. Thanks God I know how to use Google search engines and I found it myself. But I didn't expect you would really just say formal things without exploring the beautiful business opportunities of this company for me. Bye, my friend.


Thanks to all who read this. I know that software development is tough. So in fact not so many people can adequately help.


I think that you need to visit qawerk resource as well as there you can get a lot of useful information, for example I saw an article on their website about phone stolen in barcelona and if you are interested in this theme then you can also pay attention to their website there. Hope that I helped you.


Hello there. Can you also recommend me some reliable option among all of these software development programs right now? I will appreciate your help


Tell me about the cat cafe!! I might have to find it. Obviously I don't read the OWH, lol.

@Akfishlady @HippieChick58 Here is that article. I first glance I thought ALF was opening a restaurant. (That is bad,obscure, and makes no sense if you didn’t watch that show !). But the cats are safe !

@Ohub That is way cool!! Thanks for indulging me. Since I live with two kitties I'm not looking to add more, but when I'm out that way I will definitely try to support their business.


Hang in there?

Hahaha !!

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