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Beautiful souls...

BeeHappy 9 Aug 30

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So...we would see into the emptiness and void because souls aren't a real thing? 😉
Or do you mean...if only we could see someone's true agenda, thoughts, and feelings?

Well I didn't create the meme but my interpretation of "soul" is the true essence or spirit of a person. So thoughts and feelings would be applicable. Even though soul and spirit are often considered religious terms, I don't think of them like that. They are just words.

@BeeHappy I would interpret soul the same way. Gosh how some people are so overly sensitive to a word. Yet if someone took offense to something that they posted they would be bitching and screaming about how intolerant others are.

@Kojaksmom If that is directed towards me, I would like a link to where you are basing your idea that I "bitch and scream" in defense of an indefensible idea.

Furthermore, there have been endless discussions on this site over the word "soul" and the general conclusion is that there is no such thing. The correct definition of a soul is:


  1. the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.

Since atheists don't generally believe that any part of a human is immortal, it is NOT being "overly-sensitive" to ask for clarification as to what the OP meant.

There cannot be "beautiful souls" as there is no such thing as a "soul". Saying "beautiful soul" is akin to saying "accurate astrology".

If you have proof of a "soul", please post it.

@SkotlandSkye sometimes it is the English language that has its drawbacks and limitations.

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