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Damnedest thing just happened.
Tomorrow is Father's Day. Had a knock on the door, answered it, stood there middle age man, thrust a pamphlet and small bag of candy in my hand.
"Happy Fathers Day for tomorrow" he said, and without pause headed for the exit.
Taken aback it took a sec or two to see that it was Jesus loves me pamphlet. I called out as nearly exited:
"Hey, I'm an atheist!'
"Doesn't matter" he called back.
"I'm a committed atheist, and I contribute to global atheist forums" I replied.
"Doesn't matter" he again replied.
"Just so you know"
"Doesn't matter" again I heard, and he was gone.

Now that's a God Bothering first for me.

Are they getting more inventive?

He'd better not think that was first contact, else disappointed he will be.

PS. The pamphlet is in the bin, and I shall munch on the candy guiltlessly this evening. 🙂
Just had to share this one.

David1955 8 Sep 1

Enjoy being online again!

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the godbotherers must be getting desperate, hijacking a mundane heathen holiday like father's day for their purposes. i feel almost sorry for them.

Yeah, hanging on the coat tails of Father's Day, which is not a religious day. Very odd.

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