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I'm struggling to not be a smartass on these questions. "Is the a > 10℅ chance witches exist/work" yes, a quarter of my friends list, and they are all employed. I hope they work. If not, I need to know their secret.

Heathen1997 5 Sep 1

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Yes witches do exist - there are many people who claim be witches ; do they have super natural abilities - get real!


Ummm, who says?

Who says that they're witches? O.o


Witchcraft is just another form of religion without any facts that can be proved.

Eh, it's a form of superstition. I like this site's definition of religion as something that one believes MUST be done. We all do something from time to time that can't be proven effective. Witchcraft is just a hobby for many of us.


They don't work. They conjure up gold bars...


I also felt the same about the near death experience question. Medicine and science have documented many such cases. Now, whether or not I believe such experiences are of a god, well, that is an entirely different question. But I believe very much one can have a near death experience. Happens every day on this planet.

Anecdotal "evidence" is NOT "documentation", never has been, never will be......

My late friend Chris Bower died 3 times. The first two he said that he never saw any pearly gates, hellfire, etc. I'd ask him about the 3rd, but is is permanently dead now.


I think we may be mincing words here.

I just meant to say that these cases have been observed by very educated medical and scientific professionals who have even used instruments like EEGs to measure brain activity and EKGs to verify that the heart has stopped. The reports of the subjects have, obviously, been subjective and open to wide interpretation. However, many neurologists and other experts believe that any visions or other sensations the dying person may have are merely just randomly firing neurons still trying to be interpreted by what is still functioning of the cerebrum.

Having worked on a post surgical floor of a major hospital, I can attest that people do clinically die and are then resuscitated, so near death experiences do happen; different people go through them daily. However, what the person senses during those moments is a huge unknown; we only have their accounts to go by.


Until recently, I never personally knew anyone who claimed to have a near death experience. At least no one I viewed as being credible. However, about a year ago a friend of mine who is also an atheist, intelligent, and well educated had a brush with death in the hospital as a result of an accident. He reported a spiritual experience replete with vivid imagery and auditory and olfactory hallucinations. What these were a product of, no one really knows for sure. All I know is that he is absolutely convinced he had a near death experience. Who am I to disagree with him? Who knows, he may be right?

I am still skeptical that it is in any way connected to a spiritual realm, but much like extraterrestrial life, we have yet to definitively confirm or refute it. I may not believe in deities or religion, but I do believe there are aspects of our physical and natural universe that we are either not aware of yet, or do not fully understand. And I am okay with referring to these phenomena as "spiritual" for lack of a better word, or as a placeholder until science can explain it. 🙂

@Piratefish FYI, i myself have died twice, once strangled by first hubby, once during a stroke. And....?
Did I return wanting to save humanity, full of glorious visions, blah blah blah?, I came back to pain, fear, multiple disability from the stroke, and in the first instance, still married to that abusive asshat. I would Greatly distrust anyone building a speaking career/writing books based on their "surviving"....PT Barnum is/was/ always will be Right!


I thought the exact same thing. I know a couple of people who are Wiccan, and they most certainly exist and are employed. Perhaps the authors meant witches as in like The Wizard of Oz, who are green, wear pointy hats, have large noses, and fly on broomsticks? 😀

yeah, I figured they were more or less asking if witches were something to be afraid of.


As a former Wiccan who still has tattoos of that practice (3 of them), let me assure you that I always existed and worked.

"The United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey, also in 2008, which found 342,000 Wiccans and 340,000 Pagans in the United States in 2008."

Lots and lots of Witches exist 🙂

The question as a profile question is certainly out of place.


Yeah, personally I know several people that are "witches" And honestly they're way nicer people than most Christians.


Yes , I have met people who proclaim they are witches. Just as people state they are of religion. It is a mind set and works for them, however witches are not at all cruel such as christians can be.

EMC2 Level 8 Sep 1, 2018

Witches are pretend the same way gods and devils are pretend. Anything "supernatural" is simply something misunderstood or something people do not understand.

the issue here is that saying witches, as in practicioners of superstition known as witchcraft, don't exist is like saying that Christians don't exist.


can I really just make a random post to level up?

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