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Ancient ideas and modern technology.
In 2013 Astronomers at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico confirmed what Einstein had purported in 1907 ,using their radio telescope ,the biggest single dish in the world,they found that the rate of orbital decay of PSR 10348+0432 {a white Dwarf with a nuetron star as a companion} was exactly as Einstein had predicted over 100 years

PeterJohn 6 Jan 20

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I looked in all of my bibles to verify your story, it ain't in there so it ain't so.....

ha ha then your bibles are wrong.

@PeterJohn The Bible says its right!!!!!!! Check mate! LOL


Goes down with the orbit of Mercury, gravity affecting light, and my all-time favorite prediction, the Einstein-Bose condensate. Power of the scientific method is amazing.


Awesome ain't it?


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