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This morning I went to feed and water my birds. I had grabbed my nunchucks intending to do my workout. As I approached the fence I heard a thud behind me it was a big black mass of fur. I first I had panicked I thought it was a bear. Here my dog who is a Rottweiler a bear dog. He figured out how to escape he is friendly enough to me. He listens well too because I told him to follow me he came right with me. Now I have some reinforcing to do now he broke the gate was taking his girlfriend on a walkabout.

azzow2 9 Sep 2

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Time for him to get neutered?

His girlfriend is fixed he is going soon too.


The "bear dog" has a girlfriend?
Your sentence structure needs some work. Some of this was difficult to understand.

Because I try to type as I think instead of thinking about what I am going to type.


Thought it was going to be a bear Aron.

Think my heart just about jumped out of my chest at first because there was a bear just up in the pastor.

@Ostopal Yea was going to say lea not a common word though.

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