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I figured out long ago that morals were how you behaved when you thought god was watching. Ethics were how you behaved when you thought nobody was watching. So morals come from fear of punishment, and ethics come from within. Our President has neither. He is the most shameless liar I've ever seen preform. Yet persons self identifying as christian think their god chose him to lead all of us? There is something very wrong with their thinking. I've even heard the word " cult" used. I suspect there is no thinking going on at all. Oscar Wilde said " God must hate the common man. He made them so common." I find myself loathing people more on principle. How are YOU coping?

ForTheBirds 6 Sep 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I have for most of my life thought of the difference between morals and ethics that way too. i have loosened up some, recently, since i understand that when some people mention morals they mean ethics. (others don't.) i try to be understanding lol. meanwhile, i don't have a president. there is an imposter in the white house who has taken her place. coping? i cry a lot. i think i have trump anxiety syndrome. i can't stand the sound of his voice, and that's not the worst thing about him. (the worst thing about him is that he is in the white house, and he was bad enough before he got there.) he calls himself a christian and my experience of christians, especially lately, is that although he THINKS he's lying, this is the one thing he is telling the truth about! he does act like the rabid christians i see. he is a hypocrite, just as they are. he is a liar, just as they are. he doesn't mind hurting people because of his delusions (different from theirs but similarly enacted). he thinks he knows everything and he knows nothing (just as they so think). yeah, he is a fine modern christian. i am so glad i have never been a christian!



I only watch BBC and Aljazeera news channels, seen here in Songkhla, Thailand.

If I want to watch GOOD news, showcasing new green innovations and art, I watch the Singapore channel, plus NO TRUMP.


Definitionally speaking, ethics are more specific than morals. Ethics are a code of conduct that sets standards for a particular group, usually a professional organization or at least a particular profession or role in society. Whereas morals are an emergent property of formal and informal negotiations amongst the members of a society about how to make that society be the way most members want it to be, and what things tend to support or undermine that kind of society.

For most of us the objective is civil society where people respect each other's individual freedoms, choices and property.

Religion does not originate or sustain morality, they just appropriate it from the host society and claim to have invented it and to protect it.


Moral are handed down through religion. Ethics are lifestyle actions that work best in a community or family. A good community thrives through good Ethics without having to be a part of any religious thoughts. They overlap in conversation because people tend to think that they are one & the same. It make just good sense to have good Ethics for the Common Interests of Community.



Xena Level 6 Sep 2, 2018
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