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Has anyone been able to maintain or be currently maintaining an intimate relationship with a religious person as an atheist yourself? If so did or does religion ever cause issues in that relationship?

Tre98th 4 Oct 17

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I used to date a very religious woman and we had an amazing sex life but I couldn't really commit to her as her only conversations were about how unchristian the congregation were at her church. Bored the crap out of me. Pity really but that's life.


Well as an agnostic I haven't dated someone still religious yet. When I was religious I don't think I ever dated another religious person. I never had an issue with it. My sister is in a 3 year relationship and she's religious and he isn't. So if the people are good people and don't want to force you into their belief then it could work.

The only main issue I see is if you plan to have kids. Then I could see it being a problem I would rather my child have the choice whether or not to look into religion, but I'm sure a religious person would want them to start going to church (or whatever place of worship) as a young child. I just personally don't think it's right. But I'm sure there could be a good compromise where everyone is happy.


I believe in interpersonal secularism. I mean that if you're a good person, I accept that your moral system works for you. I have been in a few relationships with varying levels of religious belief, but that has always been the ground rule. I have to be able to look you in the eye, tell you what I really think and you have to accept that it is part of who I am and want that in your life and vice versa. If religion is a piece of that for someone and they can still look into my non-eternal, atheist soul and really love me and my moral compass, I'm okay with that.

That being said, praying for me is fine. Telling me you pray for me is condescending. It is an important line that informs alot of things.


My wife was religious for the first years of our marriage we had hardships a daughter born premature another child died in her womb so I faked it. She knew where I stood when we got married but thought I had a change of heart. Later on I told her the truth it never caused any trouble in our marriage even when our son died unexpectedly.

That is an amazing amount of love


Yes. My wife of 23 years is a devout Catholic and I personally reject all religious beliefs for myself. We both respect each other's right to believe as we choose (so long as both, in our beliefs an actions, treat others with dignity and respect). We make NO attempts to convert the other to one point of view.

That's beautiful


I was married to a literal conservative Christian for nine years. We had two kids so the first five years were a blur and we didn't really get into religion or our differences. The following four years were a nightmare and I had to leave for my own sanity. Her idea of a great evening was sitting around talking about when the rapture would come for us and the meaning of Revelations. She was a complete hypocrite and hadn't even fully read the Bible, just cherry picking what she believed was right. I even had a number of very Christian friends comment on how extreme her beliefs and prayers used to be. So no, it was impossible to maintain a relationship, even for my wonderful kids, with this type of fundamentalist Christian. She was happy to cover up her extreme religious views in the beginning of our relationship and marriage but then sure enough they destroyed everything.

Wow that is a surprising story. Thank you for sharing


All my past relationships were with religious individuals. It rarely ever came into play, my atheism, because I never made a big deal about it, and neither did they. I've always wanted to be with someone like me, but as it appears, I seem to have more in common with theist than atheists. Weird.


I tried once. I was with a guy for four months, my first gay relationship. He made it clear he was into me physically but never wanted to talk religion or politics. I went with it initially out of sheer intrigue that someone wanted me. But after a little while, I needed real conversation, so I would bring stuff up. He resisted talking about it but gradually let his views be known. Horrifying. Roman Catholic loaded with guilt, going to confession all the time to a priest who kept telling him he had to be celibate. But the final straw was when he decided to support Donald Trump over that woman Democrat who supported women's choice. Why? Religious conviction, of course. We have conservative religious bigotry to thank more than any other voter demographic for installing in the nation's highest office, a man with no political experience, pathologically narcissistic, a criminal con man who colludes with Russia, all because a lot of God fearing religious white folks had a hissy fit over having a black president. And my gay boyfriend went for that rather than vote for someone his Church preached against.

The rise of trump was the fall of a lot of a lot of things here in America. It brought a dark side of America to life.


I've never been in an actual relationship, but I think if I were to ever be in a relationship with someone who was religious I wouldn't have much of a problem as long as they're not zealous or too woo-y.

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