So, I am catching a ride from a friend who has no A/C in her car. It is 105 with the heat index. Wondering why I let my daughter borrow my car
Maybe you could catch a bus instead.
I wish we could have. We went somewhere not reachable by publix transportation
At my age I have less tolerance for the heat than I used to. However every spring I spend time outside so the hottest days in or out of a car will be tolerable. I turn my A/C off if I go through a drive through -- strain on the A/C. When I get into my car, even with the portable heat reflector, the car is HOT, and it takes a while to cool down. I'd rather try to get used to it, just in case.
Probably because you are a nice unselfish person!?
Well, I love my kid. So...
I'm not trying to hover cuz I think I pulled up your profile before not being creepy can't remember where you're at just want to see your profile so I can see where you live and why it's a hundred and five degrees I am so glad I live in the Pacific Northwest