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My contribution to the support of Nike's campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick: I realized that I owned not only Nike running shoes but also my beloved Nike hat as well! JUST DO IT!
Adding a poll out of curiosity-support or oppose Nike?

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BookDeath 8 Sep 5

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Nike has a contract already with the NFL regardless for the next several years. I have several pairs of Nike’s and athletic wear, as do my kiddos. It’s still what kids want to wear.


I support Nike but personally cannot wear their shoes.

I heard on the radio yesterday: The NFL made about 16 billion dollars in profit last year. Nike made about 32 billion dollars in profit last year. Nike has a world brand were the NFL is mostly American based.

I'm sure Nike will do very well with Kaepernick advertising. The NFL dropped the ball on this one.


I would never wear Nike running shoes, but I like how they backed Colin's cause.


The people taking a knee are entitled to do so under our Constitution. This site is about the Pledge: See
The bit about burning the US Flag was decided in the 70's. We are not a people who need drum beating patriotism to be US citizens.
But many need a graven image to show that they are a member of some group.

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