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A nationwide poll of the people in Germany indicated that their greatest fear is the irrationality and instability of Donald Trump, followed by their refugee crisis and terrorism. Speaks volumes.

wordywalt 9 Sep 6

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He's broken the axle. Why wouldn't they be? They only people that Trump doesn't upset are Putin and the Republicans.


The refugee crisis has largely been caused by the actions of us in the West. We can’t get involved in wars and then expect not to have to deal with the consequences. I have no great fear of genuine refugees, we can and should give them shelter. The trouble is people are conflating economic migrants with refugees. Germany acted compassionately by opening its doors to accommodate the flood of refugees, unfortunately not all of them were in fact refugees, but that act has backfired and has caused a backlash. The resurgence of Neo-nazism is frightening, and yet in this poll it isn’t the biggest fear they have....Trump is! What does that tell us about what the rest of the world thinks of him? I am British and I believe he is a danger to the whole world. Immigrants, refugees and having lived through 3O years of N.Irelandd’s troubles - terrorism, hold far less fear!


They should know…. But the ‘refugee crisis’ is likely the main reason trump’s in the white house.. We’ve one, too. An economic refugee situation that’s festered with time. Our US working class continues to notice, and until a ‘progressive’ candidate emerges willing to curb it, likely in Germany as well as the US, the backlash will continue..

Varn Level 8 Sep 6, 2018

We, in the U.S. do not have a refugee crisis in relation to what Europe is experiencing. If we, in the West, had acted as we should have to stop Assad as well as ISIS. Europe would not have a refugee crisis. Trump should have acted almost two years ago to stop Russia from inserting itself into Syria and acting as a serious troublemaker there, there would not be a refugee crisis today. Unfortunately, Trump is in bed with Putin so deeply that Trump does not have the will to act as he should.

@wordywalt Ours are not war refugees, they’re economic opportunists from Central America. And just as the Brexiteers in Britton, many of the nationalistic movements and campaigns in Europe are fueled by continued immigration, for whatever reasons.

The only credit I give the trump crew is they’ve finally taken on illegal immigration in the US, while no doubt creating further havoc around the world..

The main reasons that Trump is in the White House are racism and its twin, ethnocentrism; irrational fear, Russian meddling, bad campaign by Hillary. massive campaign funding by the culture of greed. Our workers are suffering because of greedy corporations moving their operations overseas, massive false propaganda funded by right wing groups. Wages have been kept down by the Republican party and by the culture of greed. Heartless corporations have opted by automation instead of concern for workers. You are dead wrong -- as are Tump supporters -- in blaming workers' failure to make gains on immigration. Simply put, it is an outright lie that you have been sold. Wise up, fellow.

@wordywalt you are exactly correct. The only jobs immigrants are taking here are the ones Americans will NOT do. Ask the ranchers & farmers.

@wordywalt Most understand the dirty dynamics of the Republican Party, including me. Illegal Immigration was trump's traction. As pointed out to others (but not expected to be explained to you), trump’s pals are racist, but they received enough ‘crossover votes’ from angry, frustrated Independents and moderate Democrats sick & tired of both parties continued ignoring of - and even encouragement of what’s been a slow-motion invasion from Mexico and Central America. Not sure about your location, but this former West-coaster watched it happen..

When those like yourself, perhaps too eager to label and less eager to face the facts, curtly dismiss the legitimate concerns of working Americans they ..lose. As you did, as we all have, and will.

@Heidi68 Wrong.. Ask a building contractor, who’s union workers are/ were undercut by illegal immigrant labor. ‘American’s’ won’t do any job they’re not justly compensated for, unless they become as desperate as those fleeing failed nations. Daily I watch ‘American college educated youth’ doing the jobs Illegal Immigrants would have taken out West.. Why? Because they’re being fairly compensated.

@Varn i worked in Texas & Oklahoma on ranches, lived in southern California- Americans want to ride the pretty horses - they do not want to get up at 2am & bring the cattle up, throw & stack hay, pick the crops.
And do not blame the workers, try blaming the people hiring them. If there was not work they would not be taking the jobs. The problem is not the workers the problem is the people paying cheap labor.....

@Heidi68 I’ve lived in the PNW ..with more examples of stolen labor than you could shake a stick at... When ‘the labor’ goes illegal, that’s all the employer is willing pay for. When it’s legit (which can’t compete with illegal), and pays a living US wage, there are plenty willing to do any job..

I don’t blame the workers, they’ve no desire to live in third-world conditions, but they’re not ‘lazy.’ The owner-class entices illegal immigrants/ labor to lower the wage base and kill our unions. The Left goes out of it’s way to piss off the Right, which now includes sanctuaries and citizenship for illegal immigrants … while US Americans in the middle feel ignored ..until a voice emerges from a shitload of candidates willing to crack down on illegal immigration..

Not that complicated an issue, and as mentioned, much the same sentiment and response in Europe.. Too many humans 😕

@Varn it is still not the immigrants fault. It would take 2 seconds to clean up the mess if we held the businesses accountable when they hire illegals.

@Heidi68 If I were to illegally enter another nation, whose fault would that be?

As far as employers, enforce e verify []

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